Hawthorn’s interaction with Indigenous players is a reminder that off-field issues need to be better addressed

By Chris Lewis / Roar Guru

As Australia’s biggest sporting league and one that has enjoyed the presence of many First Nations players for decades, including many of its best, how the AFL and its clubs respond to issues relating to race helps illustrate our progress as a nation.

At face value, allegations reported by the ABC, made from a commissioned review about the experience of current and former First Nations players and staff at Hawthorn, appear damning if they are proven true.

The allegations include Hawthorn pressuring a First Nations player to encourage his partner to terminate their pregnancy for the sake of his career, players being encouraged to remove SIM cards from their phones and insert new ones to end contact with their partners and players being relocated to end relations with partners.

Hence, the AFL has appointed an investigation panel – said to include a King’s Counsel – to address the serious allegations made against Hawthorn, including Alastair Clarkson (head coach from 2005 to 2021) and Chris Fagan (assistant coach from 2008 to 2016) who have since stood down from their pending and current coaching duties with North Melbourne and Brisbane until the investigation is completed.

I have no intention of accepting or refuting the allegations.

If the allegations turn out to be accurate in their most damning form, then the club and individuals should indeed be subject to serious punishment.

But, in line with my view that anyone accused of wrongdoing needs to be heard in line with the logical concept of natural justice, it is unbelievable that any review in the first place would not seek answers from the accused that are mentioned by the First Nations players.

I also find it staggering that key Indigenous players and senior players at Hawthorn were also ignored by the review for comment to confirm or deny the allegations.

For example, Hawthorn’s great Indigenous player Shaun Burgoyne, the first First Nations footballer to play 400 AFL games after finishing his career at Hawthorn from 2010 to 2021, was unaware of the events.

At a grand final luncheon in Melbourne on Wednesday, Burgoyne said, “It’s very confronting, to be honest, to see that and hear that, because I had no knowledge of those instances ever happening.

“I was never involved. I was never asked. This is the first I’ve heard of it.

“So it’s very confronting considering I was there and I wasn’t involved in any of it. Because I would have helped and I would have definitely been able to hopefully prevent some of those things from happening.”

(Photo by Albert Perez/Getty Images)

Current Hawthorn coach Sam Mitchell, who played for Hawthorn between 2002 and 2016, said, “I’m very much like everyone else. I got a heads up yesterday that something was coming out.

“And when I woke up and read it this morning I was upset … the word ‘disturbed’ was probably accurate.”

In a lot of ways, we all want to believe that goodness drives the motives of the sporting individuals we admire.

My own hope is that no modern sporting coach would carry out the allegations presented by the report. I want to believe that the Hawthorn coaching staff were trying to deal with difficult issues but that their advice ended up having harsh consequences through a misunderstanding by the young players.

Hence, in this sense, I agree with Cam, who commented about perspective and guilt on Tim Miller’s article on Thursday calling for Clarkson and Fagan to be sacked.

“I coached at a rugby club where one of our players lost his way and ended up doing 12 months in prison.

“On his release, his employer insisted he rejoin the club as part of his employment agreement. He felt the support of his teammates would be a good influence and help in his rehabilitation.

“In a meeting with myself, the player and his employer, it was also decided he change phone numbers in an effort to distance himself from destructive influences, particularly drug dealers and junkies (some of which were relatives of his).

“Our man was able to get his life back on track and in a fairytale finish of sorts, scored a solo try late in the GF to win us a premiership.

“But without knowing the full story, you could fast-forward to a headline ‘Club changes player’s phone to distance player him from family’.”

(Photo by Cameron Spencer/AFL Photos/via Getty Images)

My perspective may be a bit rosy, but I do believe that attitudes from AFL clubs towards First Nations players have improved, as they have within Australian society.

This was my biggest grievance with the Do Better report which, having made much of racist incidents at Collingwood over the years to represent “structural racism”, downplayed the recent proactive policies that had been made at Collingwood in recent years.

For example, Collingwood implemented the following:

However, with the serious allegations levelled at Hawthorn, although the degree of harassment is yet to be determined, there remains evidence of ongoing difficulties with regard to a sporting club balancing its playing performance needs with First Nations player concerns.

We already know of shortcomings of Hawthorn policy from comments made in recent days, which may also still be the case at other AFL clubs.

If senior First Nations players were not involved in the interaction between Hawthorn and young Indigenous players, then it is clear that the club was taking an active approach on a player-by-player basis.

I do not think that is good enough.

Given the problems associated with race relations, not to mention that any undue pressure is also relevant to all young players, any interaction between Hawthorn and First Nations players should have included representatives from the senior player group to enhance communication, understanding and outcomes.

The reality that senior players were never part of the interaction between Hawthorn and First Nations players appears a bit odd and unprofessional, especially after the considerable adverse publicity given to Collingwood by the Do Better report.

As it stands, it may well be that AFL clubs will also now have to record all interactions with First Nations players and have a third party present.

It is not about different cultures not trusting each other. It is about ensuring that any club advice is both transparent and sensible so that all players are better equipped to deal with any private dilemma in the most appropriate way, especially when it concerns family issues, which are important to any young player.

Despite the competitive nature of professional sport, this would be a wiser way for AFL clubs to move forward to both avoid adverse situations and further improve race relations by encouraging the participation of many First Nations players to build further upon the gains of recent decades.

The Crowd Says:


Bob Down


Shaun Burgoyne walked away from his Aboriginal family along time ago. He is no longer respected in the Aboriginal Community of South Australia.



Roar Rookie

I’m talking about at the full investigation stage. They had an investigation into what l supposedly did that didn’t include me. But it didn’t really matter because when it was finally done l had already been sacked 6 months. ——- Yep, GFF, they sacked me 4 months before the inquiry was started and 6 months before it was finished. ——- And in the end they cleared me of the thing l supposedly did. I’m one angry MFer. And without restitution of my job or back pay or nothing. ——– And they then stupidly wonder why they can’t get male teachers!



Roar Guru

Yeah. If there's a complaint made but the authorities don't think it's worthy of an investigation, why would they bother the person the complaint was about? It's once it's determined that the complaint is credible enough that there needs to be an investigation that you involve the accused.



Roar Rookie

I had a car like that once.



Roar Guru

Maybe the players weren’t comfortable talking to him shrug.



Roar Rookie

Although I'd aver that Burgoyne is a senior player and his input may have been instrumental in sorting out whatever, if anything, had occurred.



Roar Rookie

But it's the divergence from it's principles which is the problem. Like many government inquires can now take place without the accused even being interviewed.



Roar Guru

Or they did and he just wasn’t involved/talked to about it. Time will tell but burgoyne’s knowing or not knowing doesn’t prove anything either way.



Roar Rookie

Or maybe Burgoyne hadn’t heard of these claims because they didn’t actually happen?



Roar Rookie

More broadly these allegations are tainting the AFL and a wider investigation is needed to make sure all indigenous players are treated with equal respect and understanding. It saddens me in this day and age that this even needs to happen. I hope that there is some serious conversations being conducted with all indigenous players at my own club and if not, why not.



Roar Rookie

Why are Clarkson and Fagan expected to defend themselves when they have idea who made these allegations? It’s pure cowardice to hide behind anonymity and not identify yourselves. Why is the public not allowed to know? What possible redress can Clarkson and Fagan expect if they are exonerated? A public apology from their accusers? No. Either they did or they did not make these statements. How can their reputations possibly be restored when you have an enquiry that could last twelve months? Everyone is treating these accusations as facts, hence the calls on how to remedy this situation. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?


Mr Right

Roar Rookie

I believe quite strongly on Burgoyne being involved in further enquiries. As a leader & a supposed role model to these young men, if he knew of this situation & did nothing to intervene, I believe he is as guilty as Fagan & Clarkson. He should not be allowed to step into the background & plead the 5th. Also if has some information & declares that that these allegations are unfounded, he has a moral obligation to clear Clarkson & Fagan from being criminalised.



Roar Guru

This is important and seems very obvious. Were any non-indigenous players treated the same way? If so, then the only racism accusation that can be levelled, really, aside from being horrible people (if true) the club members involved didn’t take into account importance of family for Indigenous players… but then that is individual as well. Plus some other ethnicities and groups believe strongly in the family unit, so Indigenous are hardly Robinson Crusoe there either. I just can’t fathom people treating other people like this… If these allegations are proven true, I want to believe there must be more to it… there might not be, and they are just horrible people, but please, there must be more?


no stats

Roar Rookie

hi chris, i agree with your points of view on this whole sad episode , with the seriousness of the allegations and how shocked the football world are to hear of such things going on is for me another reason to hold fire on the guilt or innocence of fagan and clarckson, to this point not having in depth response from clarckson and fagan would surely factor into peoples judment making,by saying this im not doubting the complainants but just think it imperative to hear more from the other side before coming to a conclusion of guilt or innocence, its as serious a scandal thats ever happend in vfl/afl i believe. peolpe in foottball clubs do so much wright but also they can astound us with some of the things they get wrong,,, the only thing that i prob cant get used too when huge scandles break is to often the people inside the clubs that we as outsiders expect to know something have never been aware of the happenings, cheers


Ball Burster

Roar Rookie

Chris: I've been meaning to come back to your article, which I thought was a thoughtful corrective. I daresay that the independent review (which some will claim is not independent) will ask questions about why the HFC came about in the first place, who set it up, why the Terms of Reference were constructed as they were and how the participants were chosen. The review will then go on to ask why, when provided serious allegations, they didn't broaden the inquiry to (i) nail down the grounds for the allegations and (ii) whether it was - if true - a policy approach that applied to all players. There has also been some excited comment about the Westminster System, which is not particularly well informed. Most Constitutional experts agree that it is more than just "the Parliament": it encompasses the Head of State, the Parliament and an independent judiciary which ensures the common rights that have evolved from the Magna Carta.



Roar Rookie



The punter

Roar Rookie

He don’t like the irish


The punter

Roar Rookie

Where u from al mars?



Roar Rookie

How dare you call Irish Anglo. I think you will find the Irish settlers were in fact political prisoners.



Roar Rookie


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