Dragon the team back up the ladder: Rating the coaching contenders for tough St George Illawarra mission

By Stuart Thomas / Expert

With fans of the Red V pretty much at wit’s ends after just two appearances in the finals across the 11 seasons since the departure of Wayne Bennett, some see the vacant full-time coaching position as a poisoned chalice.

Steven Price, Paul McGregor and Anthony Griffin have overseen things since that time, all achieving results simply not good enough for supporters of one of rugby league most famous clubs, as well as fans of the oft-forgotten component of the joint venture, Illawarra Steelers.

With Griffin’s departure comes Ryan Carr’s so far impressive, yet assured to be short-lived, role as mentor and the club board must now make one of the best decisions it has made for some time, in appointing a new head coach to turn the fortunes of a club that is well off the NRL pace.

So who are the contenders and who is the best fit for the role?

Jason Ryles

There is plenty of speculation suggesting that former Melbourne and now Roosters assistant Jason Ryles could be appointed to the Dragons role by the end of this week or early next.

Having served under Craig Bellamy in Melbourne and now back in his home state to refine his skills and credentials further under Trent Robinson, the 44-year-old has long been touted as a head coach in waiting.

Jason Ryles looks to be the favourite for the St George-Illawarra coaching position. (Photo by Graham Denholm/Getty Images)

Strengths-wise, with the Red V in his veins and a decent apprenticeship done, it does seem to be a cosy fit. However, leaving two efficient and well established football department systems and being charged with somehow righting a sinking ship may well be a job beyond a rookie coach.

Dean Young

Another man with Dragon DNA and North Queensland coach Todd Payten has openly backed calls for Young to return to Wollongong and take the helms at the club for whom he played 209 NRL matches. Few bleed red and white like Young and at just 39, he could be the youthful, passionate circuit-breaker the club needs to truly re-invent itself.

There has been a sense of the Dragons repeating mistakes and bordering on insanity in recent seasons, with Young well respected as a tactical student of the game and blessed with new ideas and innovation.

However, as with Ryles, the enormity of the job might well require an appointment somewhat more distant from the disasters of the recent past.

Dean Young could be in charge of the Dragons’ rebuild. (Mark Nolan/Getty Images)

Ben Hornby

Former Dragons half Ben Hornby has limited experience in the assistants role at South Sydney that he currently occupies, yet has been impressive enough for the Bunnies to be keen to hang on to him.

The 43-year-old looked like a coach in waiting throughout his 273 game career with the Red V, never the fastest or most skilful player, yet always competitive based on shrewd thinking and tactical know-how.

No doubt he would bring the above to the role, yet the step up to a senior position and an absence of the current cattle required to contend will make working closely with the board on recruitment and retention crucial.

Having advanced from a development coach to an assistant in 2021, one wonders whether Hornby is ready and experienced enough to build a team ready to contend in the short term future.

John Morris

Back in 2019, John Morris walked into a problematic situation at the Sharks after the de-registration of former Cronulla coach Shane Flanagan. Previously a winner of the NYC coach of the year award, he guided the team to semi-final yet short lived finals appearances in both 2019 and 2020, before making way for Josh Hannay and eventualy, Craig Fitzbibbon.

Probably never really given the opportunity or credit he deserved at Cronulla, Morris showed a clear ability to nurture young talent in difficult circumstances, with many fans disappointed at his departure.

Many believe John Morris deserves another crack at the top grade. (Photo by Matt King/Getty Images)

The current South Sydney assistant has the public backing of head coach Jason Demetriou and with first-grade success on his resume despite the salary cap challenges he faced whilst in his first two seasons in a top job, Morris could well be the most credentialed of the young coaches in consideration for the Dragons’ gig.

Josh Hannay

The stopgap option at the Sharks between the Morris and Fitzgibbon eras, Hannay has top-grade coaching experience at two clubs, and continues to be involved at Origin level in the Maroons camp.

Never really given a decent shot to prove his worth as a first-grade coach, the jury is a little out as to whether Hannay is what the Dragons are looking for or need.

However, perhaps his lens is exactly what the club needs, rather than past players and men fully aware of the fractures within the Dragons and who caused them. Alternatively, should the punt be taken on the guy that other clubs have looked past and then he fail, the fans will be demanding why a proven mentor was not employed in the first place.

Michael Cheika

Personally, it is difficult to understand why an NRL club would employ a union coach, ahead of others diligently doing apprenticeships as assistants. Cheika would no doubt bring an attitude, passion, management skills and nous, yet the ins and outs of strategy would be a challenge, as well as getting a grip on the psyche existing at the Dragons.

No doubt, Cheika did well as coach of Lebanon, yet the week to week cut and thrust at NRL level is not something the Dragons should feel confident that he would be able to master in the short term.

Shane Flanagan

Everyone realises that former Sharks coach Shane Flanagan has a pretty clear idea when it comes to building an NRL roster and competing deep into the finals.

Shane Flanagan has the resume but do the Dragons need the baggage? (Photo by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

The key questions for the Dragons are firstly, can do it legally this time around and secondly, whether Flanagan’s questionable integrity in the coaching game after copping two NRL bans is something they really want associated with their club at this point in time.

The answer is firmly in the Dragons’ court, and the decision around a man who can obviously do the job despite some reputational damage is a huge one for them.

Des Hasler

Clubs in turmoil need re-wiring and Des Hasler could be the circuit-breakers of all circuit-breakers. Like Flanagan, he comes with immense baggage, just ask the Bulldogs. Hasler brought the blue and whites to their knees, destroyed their salary-cap and left the club in ruin upon his departure.

With free rein to back end contracts and focus purely on short term success, Hasler ran his won show, before leaving in disgrace and somehow ending up at Manly again in 2019.

Colourful jerseys ended that stint and 458 games of NRL coaching experience now see him positioned as a potential saviour for the Dragons, in what could best be described as a “be careful what you wish for scenario”.

Perhaps Hasler is exactly what the wayward Dragons need; a man to crack the whip, slash the roster and bring a harder edge to the club. Or maybe he is exactly what they don’t need.

Mick Potter

Current Canterbury assistant Mick Potter has few enemies in the game and proved in a short stint prior to the arrival of Cameron Ciraldo at the kennel that he still has what it takes in a coaching capacity.

Should the Dragons be keen to bring in one of their own and experience be high on their list of criteria, Potter could well provide them exactly what they are looking for. On the downside, a younger and and more innovative coach appears to be required, with the culture of the club also needing a shake-up.

The role looks far from a short term one and Potter might simply not have the time nor energy to undertake and complete what will be a monumental task at St George Illawarra.

The Crowd Says:


Lord Ted Said

Roar Rookie

Yeah the poor bugger doesn’t need the politics


Lord Ted Said

Roar Rookie

That was pathetic albo, do better.



Roar Guru

Even without that it’s tough to sustain an advantage in a city with 6 other clubs within a short drive. Roosters were rubbish for two decades, Souths last 10 years are an outlier vs the previous 30 of flailing to the point of exile, Cronulla have bursts not eras, Wests hail a 49% coach as their saviour, Parra well Parra would kill for St George’s post merger era, the dogs have just gone through a period where a game plan looks like a golden era.



Roar Guru

Nailed it!



Roar Guru

And is it the same club? I think the once famous St George Dragons came to the end when they merged with Illawarra



Roar Guru

They certainly need some change at Board level, but I can't see them sacking themselves anytime soon. Perhaps a benefactor will buy the club and ring the necessary changes :happy:



Roar Rookie

Its mostly inexperience. They are going into a very difficult environment where the culture is a losing one and where the board has a habit of meddling. Someone like Bennett can clear a path through some of that because of his standing but I fear that a rookie would get railroaded. The coaches you mention might do very well in a different environment or with a good Director of Football as a mentor. Even Melbourne seem to be setting that kind of structure up for whoever goes in there. I think the Dragons need a Gould like character in there and a board commitment to change to really achieve what they need.



Roar Rookie

Whoever gets the gig, I would want a long contract with guaranteed pay out. Think of a Real Madrid style gig. They need a mediator to keep the faceless board away from them. The fact that they sacked a coach in the morning, yet didn’t appear till much later and left players to answers questions, shows how gutless the directors are. Typical corporate types, when things are good, it is all them, yet when things are bad, they are nowhere to be seen.



Roar Rookie

To me, with the lack of structure in the club and lack of talent in the roster, a rookie coach is going to struggle. Hannay would get eaten alive by the fan base if the Dragons fan base. They would give Young and co a smidge more lead way. Hasler, with the cap restraints might help get them off th ebottom, but his history of back ending contracts may not lead to a long term fix. Flannagan. Probably stands out as a tough man who could endure the challenges. I actually think Potter is a reaonsbale option with a decnt amount of experience as a head coach, played the majority of his career at the St George Dragons and seems ok with pressure. But i don't think they go that way.



Roar Rookie

Problem with that would be: In those two examples the mentors (Sheens/Bennett) are quite literally the two most experienced coaches in the history of the game. Potter, who i like and wouldn't be against being the coach, has coached 60 odd games with a win rate of 35%.



Roar Rookie

And Ryles has certainly got the Roosters firing ? :silly:



Roar Guru

If these expectations remains the same I pity the poor guy "all achieving results simply not good enough for supporters of one of rugby league most famous clubs" The idea that because a team was sensational in the 60s it's going to stick around is like expecting IBM to overtake Apple under the. They simply don't have the advantages they had in the halcyon days. McGregor's hit rate of 46% might not sound like much but when your coming into a side that's fired someone and the competition has established top teams that is pretty much dead on expectations.



Roar Guru

Other than inexperience, what are the major flaws of the likes of Young, Ryles, Morris, Hannah and Hornby?



Roar Rookie

Gee, I look at that list and cannot help thinking of the saying "out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire" Everyone of those potential coaches has major flaws and will not deliver lasting top 8 performances let alone a premiership. I think that most fans recognise that the Red V need a strong leader and change agent who is going to be able to radically change things and quickly but before they could do any of that, they would need to clear the board out of the way. Sorry guys, not going to work.


DP Schaefer

Roar Rookie

Fox basically calling Ryles as sure thing. Getting axed - apparently - By Roosters doesn't give him much option now.



Roar Rookie

In my opinion what needs to happen is the appointment of a Director for the Football branch .... as an isolator between Board and Football Department ..... that man directs all matters footy including recruitment, coaching, pathways etc etc .... of course he has assistants but the Board butts out. The coach should be John Morris and he has full control of coaching and selection. Anyway thats my opinion.


Hard Yards

Roar Rookie

They’ll take Des on 2 years. I’d have said that Young might have come down from the Cows as Assistant, while they threw Potter into the George’s River, but Young’s old man is no longer on the Board.


Lord Ted Said

Roar Rookie

I’d like to think that the new head coach would recruit these people himself? If you’re a Dragons tragic like me you’ve been running through all the scenarios for months (maybe years) with all the coach options and their pros and cons. They don’t need any more controversy that is for sure. The split board can show they can operate in the best interests of the club in their selection of the coach. But it’s a tough decision. I was all over the Ryles option but he has no experience in such a position and that troubles me. They’re all facing a tough gig, we know that. At the moment I think the best I can do is consider how pissed off the Roosters are about it and that has put a spanner in their plans for the next few years when Robinson runs out of road. So Ryles remains my preference based on that.



Roar Rookie

I like the approach Potter took in his short fill in at the dogs telling the players their salary and reputation means nothing if they’re not performing. What about Potter head coach with Hornby assistant and have a handover in two or three years like the Tigers now and South’s with Bennett and Demetriou



Roar Rookie

Flanagan as Coaching Director – to take care of all the admin crap and to act as a sounding board for Morris as Head Coach – could work well. . The proviso would be that the roles of each would have to be spelled out unambiguously, and Shane told to keep out of the media, to avoid the commentariat playing him off against John. . As an aside, you mention “the peptide scandal”. I suspect that came about because Cronulla did not have a Director of Football – a guy with the time and brief to manage those sorts of things. Supervision of Mr Dank was left to Flanagan, who simply did not have the time to do that job as well as the rest of his Head Coach work.

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