It's rewarding mediocrity so every driver wins a prize: Why it should be 'all or nothing' if F1 changes its points system

By Jawad Yaqub / Roar Guru

A proposal to change Formula One’s current points scoring system came to the fore over the Chinese Grand Prix weekend, with the matter discussed and subsequently put on the backburner during the recent F1 Commission meeting.

The proposed change would see points scored down to 12th place, shifting the post from the current system introduced in 2010 for a 12-team grid, which sees the top ten finishers rewarded.

“It was agreed that further analysis of the proposed changes was required with a view to a proposal to be presented to the F1 Commission meeting in July,” said an FIA statement after the most recent meeting.

The argument for having points to 12th comes off the back of the increased reliability of modern F1 cars and the fact that in 2024, the top five teams on a good day will be locking out the top ten.

That would leave not even a crumb for those fighting for sixth onward in the constructor’s championship.

As it stands after five events this season, there are still three teams yet to score and seven drivers also sitting on zero points.

Something that new Haas team principal Ayo Komatsu lamented in saying that the proposed new system would “be clearer for the fans and then for the motivation of everybody working in a team as well”.

Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc. (Photo by Ryan Pierse/Getty Images)

Given how exclusive and precious a commodity scoring an F1 point is, why is it that mediocrity should be rewarded?

Points for finishing 12th would’ve been something the trio of now-defunct teams that entered in 2010 would have benefitted from – yet they brutally faced their fates with neither Hispania nor Caterham née Lotus ever scoring.

“Formula One world championship points must be hard won and treasured. Valued. Not some kind of lucky dip where everyone wins a prize,” was what ex-racer and F1 pundit Martin Brundle wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

There is merit in that – even without being seen as having rose-tinted spectacles on.

Again, the ad nauseam adage of teams must simply do better to earn the rewards.

After all, measures such as the cost cap and sliding scale of aerodynamic testing were brought in to allow for a more competitive field. So how many more concessions need to be introduced?

It does feel though as if only rewarding points to 12th is another half-measured attempt from F1 and the FIA.

If Komatsu’s point about making the system clearer for fans and avoiding the undesirable naught on the standings table – then why not award points for all classified finishers?

The start line of the Australian Grand Prix, held in Melbourne.(Photo by Bai Xuefei/Xinhua via Getty Images)

A system that works for championships such as IndyCar and even the Australian Supercars series, where greater peril is placed upon a non-classified result.

Prize money in F1 is, after all, awarded based on finishing position in the constructor’s championship so that won’t change and then one can have the vanity of points next to their name.

Ultimately, the prestige of a top three, top five or even top ten finish will remain.

Sure, you can score a point for finishing 20th, but will that hold the same weight as anything mentioned above?

What it would do, which contradicts the rewarding mediocrity mantra, is give the slightest value to a situation like the wheel-to-wheel battle between Kevin Magnussen and Lance Stroll in Shanghai.

Though, Formula One proverbially has bigger fish to fry at the end of the day.

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Since 2010, the current points system has been clear cut and while there are only 20 cars in the field – adding points to twelfth would dilute matters more than say introducing an eleventh team into the mix.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

I support the proposed changes to award points lower down the order although I'm not sure the drivers in the lower 10 need any motivation to race to finish higher up the order.



Jawad Yaqub

Roar Guru

10th is fine in my eyes because it's still the top 50% of a 20 car field. Top 8 and 6 were too brutal and exclusive.



Roar Rookie

I'm curious Jawad if you don't like a 12th placed points system then what do you think of the current 10th placed points system; the system that replaced an 8th placed finisher points system?



Roar Rookie

They could borrow from yachting which has both line honours and handicap winners. The latter would reward the best driver, even if they're in a crap car.



Roar Rookie

The battle for minor positions continues to be super interesting. I'm guessing you haven't been watching. Moto GP has points down to 15th. But I like the desperation to get 10th place in F1. You get a fair bit of $ for getting points at seasons end and none for not getting any. All the team owners stand to make a huge ROI currently so the power to increase the field numbers to 22 needs to be taken out of their hands.



Roar Rookie

F1 need to do something. F1 points are exclusive, but only in the sense that it’s pay to win. Not sure it’s rewarding mediocrity, it’s trying to ensure interest remains for the also rans (i.e. lower budget teams). Everyone know Verstappen is going to win and get 25 points. At least make the battles for the other positions somewhat interesting.


Stuart Thomas


I’ve always held the view that every finisher should receive points. Bottom driver gets 1, top gets 25 and you stagger it a little more closely on the way down. (Stagger changes based on the number of finishes) Back in the day whilst teaching, we had teachers who would give 2 or 3 out of 20 and a colleague pointed out that there was no need. If the students was at the bottom, and the second to bottom was a 7, give them a five or a six! They are last anyway. I’d like to see the same with F1, just to keep the ladder moving and fluid, rather than a usually last placed car having a great day, coming 12th and getting nothing for it. It seems silly that a guy could finish eleventh every week and Logan could finish last every week and they are on the same points at the end of the season. :stoked: :stoked:

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