Tom Lynch in more hot water for ANOTHER off-the-ball whack

By The Roar / Editor

Three strikes and you’re out for Tom?

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

I didn't respond to this yesterday because I didn't receive any notification of your comment. The question you asked of me is a fairly low blow for what it's worth but I guess you weren't to know.



Roar Rookie

I don't think there is any rule that you have to send a player to the tribunal for a low level incident (or non-incident in this case). You'd expect West Coast to win on Thursday regardless.



Roar Rookie

You may be interested to learn I'm actually a very black Australian Brazilian, spruce. I'm alluding to the fact that the media are making things worse not that the 2 situations are the same. I'd be offended by your reaction if you actually . . . on second thoughts, forget it.



Roar Rookie

Do you have anything to say about Hurley, the aggressor, punching what he thought was Lynch's broken hand, or are you ok with players punching Lynch? Lynch had every right to defend himself and push Hurley away and that's howthe Tribunal saw it too. Move on.


Aus in Engerland

Roar Rookie

Now I know why I became a pilot and not a doctor... I failed anatomy. So Lynch hit him in the chest, the chest being that narrow bit above the shoulders and below the head. Something I've just learnt. Seriously, the incident on its own was probably a fine. But, as has been pointed out, the only way to stamp this out is to provide repeat offenders with a little thinking time. As things stand he has had no real incentive to change his ways, so he'll keep pushing the line. Maybe he'll continue to get away with it/pay a few bucks here and there. Or maybe he'll go just a bit too far, and miss an important match or two.



Roar Rookie

sanity prevails, lynch has been found not guilty, what a waste of time that was



Roar Rookie

regardless, im not saying he's the only one its happening to but the forwards do cop lots of niggle & scragging off the ball, so no surprise if they get cranky at times (as an old backman i know all about the scragging)



Roar Guru

Again, wow. To possibly think that the two are remotely related is one of the more despicable posts on this website. You're one of those #alllivesmatter people aren't you? You really should be retracting that comment, Pablo. You're far better than most on this website, and even they wouldn't stoop to what you've posted. You insult Goodes with this comparison.



Roar Guru




Roar Rookie

Yes, you are correct. Right hand. Interestingly Lynch had his left hand taped up then, isn't it? Hurley certainly had a crack at it! It's an old plot of taking the focus off the true injury. Perhaps it had been a target prior to this game. He certainly had the right hand well protected the game after surgery. I wouldn't apologise too quickly.



Roar Rookie

You're actually right. Busted right hand. I confused myself. Funny how he had his left hand taped up . . . an age old ploy to mislead the opposition. Seems to have worked because Hurley certainly attacked the left hand.



Roar Rookie

Flip this one around where you have Lynch as the aggressor punching Hurley’s hand and then Hurley defending himself by pushing Lynch away. I know exactly what everyone would be saying. Howls of outrage against Lynch by all the “outrage merchants” here and then Schwartz, the hero, piping up again saying, “geez, Hurley should have grabbed him by the throat. That’s what I would have done”! Stop the vilification Roarers.



Roar Rookie

Hate to see him get suspended for that! Need him playing against those pesky Eagles.



Roar Rookie

If Lynch gets time for this then Charley Dixon and Michael Walters are in big trouble. They both should prepare for lots of weeks out.



Roar Rookie

Why hasn't Hurley been cited Don?



Roar Rookie

Nothing to worry about. The upside is that Hurley's dog act get highlighted.



Roar Rookie

He had surgery on his right hand which he injured in round five on July sixth. So two whole months to heal and the wrong hand. I apologise to Hurley.


Don Freo

Roar Rookie

Very few players do the silly pushy, shovey stuff he does. There's something wrong with him in 2020. I think he needs time off to assess what has happened to him.


Don Freo

Roar Rookie

He can always try not doing it. He played footy at his last club.



Roar Rookie

No Sven. Twas the left hand that was broken and Hurley knew it.

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