Club culture: What is it, and is it unique?

By Ferret / Roar Rookie

The looming introduction of the Dolphins into the NRL has prompted me to ponder: what defines a club’s ‘culture’, and how does it differ, if at all, among the 17 NRL clubs?

As way of example, in the lead-up to this year’s Souths versus Manly semi-final, Wayne Bennett mentioned that Des Hasler was suited to coach Manly as he understands the club’s DNA and he implied that Hasler didn’t quite align with the Dogs’ culture.

I’m sure Des wanted to win a premiership at the Dogs just as much as with Manly, and I’m sure the Dogs’ fans and board did too. It can’t be just because Des is a Manly ‘old boy’, as this wouldn’t explain Craig Bellamy’s or Trent Robinson’s success.

And people specifically talk about ‘club culture’. So, what is it? Where does it some from? And is it immutable, part of their DNA?

In the past, one could mount a reasonable argument that a club reflected the local district, the old Silvertails versus the Fibros rivalry. But even then, as rugby league is a working-class sport, there were more ‘fibro’ clubs than just Wests.

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And besides, the players, in general, come from similar backgrounds, and all clubs want a ‘winning culture’, so why might a coach be better suited to one club more than another?

Is there a unique culture to each club? And does the coach have to fit within the existing ‘club culture’, or does he do some genetic engineering and tweak the DNA during his term? Does this mean a club’s culture changes over time?

If it does change, is club culture a myth or at least just a cliché?

Consider the Dolphins as an example. The Reddy Dolphins have existed for decades in the BRL/QRL, so do they have a pre-existing culture? They’ve only had a few chairs over the past three decades and the board has been stable.

Does this filter down to the coach and playing group? And what of Bennett? Will he adopt, adapt and/or modify the NRL Dolphins’ culture?

Over to you, Roarers.

What’s unique about your club’s culture?

The Crowd Says:




If you win you have a good club culture, if you lose you have a bad club culture. Every club and corporation has the same mottos,


Big Daddy

Roar Rookie

Lidcombe oval was a big advantage for the boys . It did have some sort strange antiquity about , like having a trip back in time , bit like Henson Park . There was a match there in 76 when West's played South's and won but the ground was absolutely chockers sitting on the bike track . Can be googled .



Roar Rookie

Dan A lot of Roosters supporters joined the March to get Souths reinstated into the comp.


Mick Gold Coast QLD

Roar Guru

With Roy Masters as ringmaster they offered the biggest show in town, briefly. Everyone wanted to head over to the Railway Hotel at Lidcombe, in anticipation of a sighting of Dallas Donnelly and the boys, and suddenly it was all over in less than five years. Everyone was a winner - the fans, the players, the club, the media and the game itself - grand days! Lidcombe Oval would have to be one of the worst grounds in all creation, it was like playing on the sandstone headland at Ben Buckler, Bondi! You'd end up with bark off everywhere and Betadine paint for a week.


Mick Gold Coast QLD

Roar Guru

Mmmm. Harumph! :angry: Oh, alright then. At least you are worshipping in the right church and unafraid to sing proudly about it, so that is to be commended, yes.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

My apologies for leaving Bob Moses off that list Mick. The oversight was unintentional. I was 5 years old at the start of the 1971 season when Moses started playing for Manly. I remember John O’Neill and Ray Branighan going to Manly in 1972 and Tom Mooney moving to Brookvale in 1975 though. :thumbup:


Mick Gold Coast QLD

Roar Guru

I wonder who Cliff Lyons has signed with for 2022? I remember him as an up and comer being brought on whenever Bob Fulton was out injured, in the '60s; and helping Bob Moses settle in when he went across to those mongrels Manly in 1971¹. He was about 10 years old at the time. ¹ The same Bob Moses you failed to acknowledge in your list (up the page there) of champions sent forth by the Mighty Rabbitohs in the early 70s to educate the masses, for which you should seek forgiveness. When I saw that I was raged, both en and out!


The Barry

Roar Guru

So what? Just because they couldn’t get it right doesn’t mean organisational culture isn’t a thing…



Roar Rookie

Yep ! It is the coach and his senior playing group that set the agenda. Bellamy at Melbourne had the totally committed Smith, Cronk & Slater delivering on his philosophies out on the park each week. All other players had to tow the line or move on. In the case of the Knights & Cowboys , I think both have long had a tradition of rivalry with their big city cousins ( Sydney & Brisbane) and have loved travelling with the battling "underdog" status over the years. On a couple of occasions, coinciding with the emergence of a top team ( many of them locals) , they have shed the battler tag for the winners trophy. The Knights in 1997 & 2001 with the Johns crew, and the Cows in 2015 with the JT crew. Their "culture" today is a yearning for another of those rare winning years to show up their traditional big city rivals .



Roar Rookie

You are obviously a progressive, matth ? My "new music" folder begins from 1975 ! Not much in it either . My other bulging folder is marked as the "real music" ! :silly:


max power


yeah becuase lynn anderson and dean pay worked wonders. broncos old boys doing a great job too


max power


it was 26 years ago


The Barry

Roar Guru

One interesting thing about all their incidents, is that they’ve occurred outside the Storm’s set up. Smith and Munster partying privately post season, JBrom with the kiwis and Nelson in Bali… not sure what that says about them or the Storm…



Roar Rookie

And who was “controlling” the cap when your lot were offloading your medical retirements? When you say, repeatedly, that you find it unfair that other clubs weren’t permitted to do the same, you know that doesn’t exclude your club from scrutiny, yeah? Who cares? I couldn’t give a rat’s how u feel..all I know is that your lot got away with it. Who cares how you declare yourself to have felt at the time? The toxic culture of your club is well established (forget the Panthers & Roosters) - like most others - & making excuses for them dumping A-Rey doesn’t make you objective. It makes you an apologist for a club that shat all over its best man. The most sickening thing you’ve ever posted is that you forgave Adam for failing to kick from near the side line & then failing to kick a field goal from the 40. Those aren’t failures. Those are two instances in which a better team wouldn’t not have put him in such a position in the first place. I have found your posts about Reynolds’ recovery from pending surgery next level ugly. You are a fickle fan. I could never express such excitement over an ex-Dragon who’s jumped ship. Actually, I would never have celebrated injury on anyone at all, like u have in ARey. And to think that it was the Roosters who aided your basket case in on a return. Knowing what I know now, I would’ve left u there in the same basket as the Bears. South’s didn’t save themselves. Everybody else did. How useless can u get?



Roar Rookie

"Many Roosters supporters resent the way their own junior teams, who participate in joint competitions with Souths, are treated by the administrators of those competitions. Others were sickened by the way Souths turned on the Roosters, who could have killed off Souths forever had they turned their backs on clubs like them and joined Super League. Despite the Roosters' support for Souths throughout the Super League war, after Souths were dropped from the NRL they tried to push players negotiating to join the Roosters to instead join Super League clubs like the Bulldogs, who were instrumental in their demise in the first place“ (Gould, 2008).


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

So you have no love for Nick Politis and the Roosters salary cap controller then mushi? :laughing:


Tom G

Roar Rookie




Roar Rookie

So Cameron Munster, Jessie Bromich, Brandon Smith, Big Nelson etc are examples of that culture. ? Simply outstanding.



Roar Guru

I can't stand lying a holes



Roar Guru

Didn't Des take the dogs to a GF?

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