NRL News: Schuster granted personal leave, Mal expresses Souths interest as Demetriou fights to save job

By The Roar / Editor

Manly will allow Josh Schuster indefinite personal leave as he looks to move on from the club, likely ending his time on the Northern Beaches, according to reports in the Daily Telegraph.

The 22-year-old had already been told he could leave the Sea Eagles as soon as he found a new club, and will now no longer be required to attend training or play, with no return date set. He is being provided with support by Manly.

The player had been listed in the squad for Blacktown Workers, the club’s NSW Cup affiliate, but now will not feature this weekend.

The news comes after comments from Tigers boss Benji Marshall, who backed Schuster to return to his best.

The Tigers had been on the list of potential suitors before the Samoa international extended on a three-year, $800,000 contract at Manly, but are now not in the market for either a five eighth or a backrower.

“Let me just say this: He’s a really talented and a really good kid,” said Marshall to AAP.

“He’s probably got a few issues he’s dealing with at the moment. But if he got it right, there’s no reason why he couldn’t be a good player in the NRL. No reason. 

“I think there’s this perception out there that he’s done. But if he got fitter and had a point to prove with a chip on his shoulder, in the right system he could be enormous.”

Mal expresses Souths interest as Demetriou fights to save job

Kangaroos coach Mal Meninga has thrown his hat in the ring to take charge of South Sydney on a short-term basis as the axe hovers over the embattled Jason Demetriou.

There is speculation the Rabbitohs’ Saturday evening clash with Cronulla could be Demetriou’s last at the helm, although chief executive Blake Solly and chairman Nick Pappas insist they have not begun planning for a new NRL coach.

Demetriou’s side have got off to a 1-4 start and will be without star fullback Latrell Mitchell (suspended) and hooker Damien Cook (dropped) against the Sharks.

The coach was in October handed a three-year extension despite missing last season’s finals.

Souths are adamant they have not made any overtures to Meninga, and the current Kangaroos Test coach said on SEN radio on Thursday he had received no official approach from the club.

But Meninga, who hasn’t coached at club level since a stint with Canberra more than 20 years ago, said he would be open to the move, should Souths give Demetriou the boot.

“I know there’s interest,” Meninga told SEN1170.

“But the first thing I have to say is there has been no official (approach).

“I feel a bit sorry for what’s happening at the club, we want to see a South Sydney Rabbitohs team firing.

“I feel a bit sorry for the coach, there’s a lot of media speculation … (but) I love the idea of being an interim coach.

“I’ve got some big commitments in my life, there’s a lot of consideration that needs to take place.

“I’m happy living in Canberra so, in the short term, it’s certainly something that interests me and I’m flattered my name has been mentioned at all.”

Meninga said he has a good relationship with Souths’ key players – including Cook, Mitchell, Jack Wighton and Cameron Murray, who he has coached with the Kangaroos – and said he would have no issue pulling them into line.

“You’ve got to have a strong rapport, an honest rapport, with them,” Meninga said.

“You need to have these honest conversations and I know they’re having them at the moment.

“But, from the outside looking in, they’re not responding the way they wanted to.”

Meninga was keen to underline he would happily help shape the club for another coach to pick up the baton at the end of 2024.

Former Rabbitohs’ coaches Wayne Bennett and Michael Maguire have both been linked with returning to the club in 2025.

“If one of those guys gets the gig next year then I’m happy to work with them – if I’m there, of course,” Meninga said.

Demetriou is adamant he can not only save his job by turning their season around but see out the remainder of his contract amid speculation he could be axed after Saturday’s crucial clash with Cronulla.

There has been talk that Rabbitohs assistant coach Ben Hornby could also step up to the role on an interim basis, while Wayne Bennett remains unsigned beyond this season.

A bye either side of games with Cronulla and Melbourne would give the Rabbitohs time to settle on alternatives should they opt to part ways with Demetriou, who has made one of the boldest calls of his tenure by dropping Cook. 

Rabbitohs coach Jason Demetriou. (Photo by Matt King/Getty Images)

“It’s not something I’m thinking about to be honest,” he said in a NewsCorp interview when asked about the rumours about this tenure coming to an end.

“I can’t control what people are saying and speculating. The critics were saying this at the end of last year and they were saying it all off-season, so it won’t make any difference to the narrative whether I think about it or not.

“The only thing that makes a difference is making sure the players feel the energy from me and they respond this week, which I believe they will. I’m handling it OK, I really am.

“It’s not ideal the situation we’re in but it’s not my first rodeo in this environment and it’s business as usual for me.”

Meninga would be unlikely to take over full time but fill in as caretaker for the rest of the season if Souths think Hornby is not ready for that role with Bennett to take over next year, returning to the club after his Dolphins duties are done when he hands over to Kristian Woolf.

Solly insists the Rabbitohs haven’t begun planning for life after Demetriou and club director Nick Hatzistergos was also adamant on Wednesday night that the board had not asked for a short list, and said on social media none had been provided.

“Without a doubt I believe I can get us out of this,” Demetriou said. “It wasn’t long ago I was given a three-year extension.

“I need trust in the players to do the job and I have full trust in the group.”

Robbo hits back about Roosters’ concussion policy

Trent Robinson has played down concerns over James Tedesco’s latest concussion, confident the Sydney Roosters captain is well on the path to recovery.

Tedesco will miss Thursday night’s clash against the Knights after being knocked out trying to tackle a rampaging Viliame Kikau in last week’s game against the Bulldogs.

Externally, the head knock raised concerns over the fullback’s future, with the concussion believed to be the 10th of his career.

Tedesco himself has been largely unfazed by the situation, stating publicly last Saturday that he had pulled up fine from the knock.

Robinson has also taken confidence.

“Dyl has been doing that (well), he’s been one of our better players the last two weeks,” Gutherson said. 

“He kicked well, he ran the ball and there’s probably a handful of other players who’ve been letting the team down. 

“We know what we have to do to fix it and we have to do that this week. 

“I’m there to do what I can do for the team, I don’t need to be doing anyone else’s job, the other 16 players have got to do their job.” 

Sivo’s axing was the biggest surprise of them all. 

The big Fijian winger, who has 90 tries in 105 NRL games, has been a near ever-present for the Eels since his debut in 2019.

But the 10-Test international has clearly been below his best since returning from a suspension in round four. 

“It’s probably a confidence thing for Maika because when he’s on and feeling good he’s one of the best wingers in the comp,” Gutherson added.

“He’s got to get back to being Maika.

“We need that Maika every week and the NRL is such a tough sport it’s hard to win games – you need 17 players doing their job and we haven’t had that the last two weeks.”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

I thought the big problem for a player leaving mid-way through a contract is the rule that says “if he takes a new contract, it can’t be for less than the one he is leaving“. This is the problem that clubs have with Zac Lomax. The big difference between the two players is the Zac Lomax is playing really well and Schuster isn’t even cutting it in the NSW Cup. His best option is for his manager to tell him to realise that three seasons at $800K is as good as ever it’s going to get, so buckle down and DO NOT let the club force him out. Stay there and take the money. , Get fit, play NSW Cup, save as much money as you can, and see what the future brings. No other club will be interested in him this year, because he is playing badly, and they will want whatever is left of their cap for someone who is fit and going OK.



Roar Rookie

All jokes aside Meninga's style was perfect for Origin especially with the over-powered team he had. An elite group like that needed someone even they looked up to. Hagan and others may have handled the finer details of strategy but I doubt Queensland stay focused enough to win 8 in a row if any of them were the head coach. His club footy record as coach though is unimpressive and ended in 2001 - it seemed he realised 20-odd years ago that wasn't his bag. Not sure what could be gained, besides more headlines, from parachuting him in for 5 months in 2024.


Tim Carter

Roar Pro

Meninga wouldn't want to be 'coach' unless he had Michael Hagan as his 'assistant'.



Roar Rookie

He’s a western suburbs lad. Maybe he should give the Panthers a call ? See if they’ll give him a go in NSW Cup next season, to start with. Would only be on a basic contract amount, but better than nothing.



Roar Rookie

Robbo is sounding like an authority on concussions. Granted, some of his club's medical staff have travelled abroad to learn more, but It would be better if he left comments about concussion to the experts. Prof Chris Levi is a world rated expert on brain related matters and he's only a drive up the road at Newcastle. He's one person any club medico should have a talk to.



Roar Guru

Oh man. That’s a big decline for Schuster. Good luck to him. Hope he gets himself right in every facet.



Roar Rookie

Getting paid for nothing now - sounds like his manager may have advised him to take the leave By all accounts you don't have to ask that bloke to not work too hard more than once



Roar Rookie

But only wash down after the blood of a few players who need to be put in line are added to the mess


aerial lizard

Roar Rookie

Good move by Meninga, I mean, who wants to sit in a cold coaches chair? Just hose the blood off and good to go.



Roar Rookie

that sounds a bit tough on The Schuster - was it his decision to take "personal leave" or was he pushed into it. surely you would want to keep playing, albeit in NSW Cup, to keep your hand in, fitness up & try to be attractive to a new club. his confidence must have taken a hammering, firstly he's told he's worth $800k & now he's shown the door.



Roar Rookie

Souths board have skipped straight to "next loss and JD is out the door".


Brian Westlake

Roar Rookie

please no. I wouldn't let him near my pet, let alone my sons. He is a danger to easts players


Brian Westlake

Roar Rookie

I would love to see Dr (or Prof, not sure) Adrian Cohen of HeadSafe, ask the easts coach 3 questions about concussion in a public forum. I'd love to see Rosie Batty do the same for DV. He is out of touch. He has no empathy to his players because he knows that if he starts losing he's going to have a regular golf game with JD. I wonder what Mssrs Politis and Bouris think about this?



Roar Rookie

I don't think Robbo went. He probably should.



Roar Rookie

if the supposed best club on concussions is commenting ignorant crap like Robinson did why would the NRL waste money sending others to the US.



Roar Rookie

I'm surprised Dessie has a voice left to talk at all. The constant barking orders, yelling in frustration, etc must be taking a fearful told on his vocal cords - and that's only during mid week practice. :happy:



Roar Rookie

When I see Dessie interviewed on local TV he always seems out of breath. Coaching the Titans is taking its toll it seems.



Roar Rookie

It was only last week I read a comment that suggested Dessie might be back in Sydney by the time SOO1 starts. On paper right now, that's 2 down.



Roar Rookie

All this when before the season started , the experts predicted that no coach in the NRL was likely to be up for the axe this season. Yet the blade could be being sharpened for a possible 3 coaches , after just 5 rounds. South’s coach is very worried. Surely not for a new coach at the Titans? Yet are we so sure? Parramatta’s coach has been as slippery as his clubs logo for some seasons . Maybe he can slip away again once Moses returns? ( Newcastle’s coach is a possible 4th . A bit worried & hoping for a continued turnaround this Autumn. )



Roar Rookie

Question: if the NRL is fair dinkum about doing more to protect players, why aren't they funding all Clubs to send medical reps to America to learn as much as they can about the impact of head injuries, just as the Roosters have done? I'd have thought for about $200k, they'd come back much better educated, so money well spent. Another question: has Souths made the "JD has the full support of the Board" statement yet?

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