Parra start the Carty Party to power past Dogs as 'broken' Foxx trots off with suspected AC joint

By Mike Meehall Wood / Editor

It was a case of new season, same issues at Commbank Stadium as Parramatta’s pack steamrollered the Bulldogs, who saw Josh Addo-Carr leave the game at half time with a suspected AC joint injury.

The final score was 26-8, but in truth the domination was far more than that. Canterbury have signed a raft of players but lost bulk from what was already one of the smaller packs in the competition, while the Eels live or die based on their big men.

Today, with Junior Paulo and Bryce Cartwright and centre, they were far too good. 14 offloads to just three was as good a reflection of the middle domination as one could wish for.

From the early stages, when Addo-Carr came off second best in a collision with Cartwright, the writing was on the wall. The winger soldiered on to half time but was clearly struggling and was withdrawn, with coach Cameron Ciraldo later confirming that he would go for scans on Saturday evening.

“He’s not great,” said the coach.

“He’s going for scans tonight and could have something broken up in the shoulder. I thought it was really tough of him to play through to half time.

“We’ve prepared for anything in terms of guys shifting around. We’ve got a lot of versatile players.”

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He was not the only one: Mitch Moses tweaked a groin and will go for scans, though the Eels insist that it is not serious.

Cartwright was put on report for his part in the Foxx injury – it will a suprise if anything eventuates – but that was the only black mark on a stunning performance. He scored twice, offloaded at will and buzzed around the football.

Coach Brad Arthur could not be more pleased with how his side started, and though they took a while to turn their superiority into points, it was inevitable that they would.

“He’s really challenged himself,” said the coach of Cartwright.

“He’s got really good support around him from his teammates and he’s nice and comfortable off the field.

“He’s got a beautiful young family, he’s sort off the field, nice and happy. He came back on the back of his best season, in my eyes, last year. He’s had a great preseason.

“We moved him into the middle with the physicality he’s added to his game. He’s always had the skill and the footy, that’s not from us, but the physicality is really good.”

His opposite number might take heart from how his team defended, but after a 2023 ravaged by injury, it will not help at all to have lost another today. Viliame Kikau, too, was put on report.

“I couldn’t have been prouder of them,” said Ciraldo.

“I thought we were really tough, gritty. We killed ourselves at times with errors.

“I was happy with the preseason, the way they’ve come together and how they’ve worked, but the last part of the puzzle is going out and seeing how they react to adversity.

“There was plenty of it out there in the first half – we had 67% possession against us – and I thought we handled it brilliantly.”

Parra’s pack dominate

Parra’s biggest strength is their middle, which is also Canterbury’s major weakness, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the Eels absolutely dominated the centre of the field.

Arthur’s decision to alter his middle, leaving Junior Paulo on the bench and sending Joe Ofahengaue on from the start, proved crucial in maintaining the rage across the journey.

While the one-two punch of Paulo and Reagan Campbell-Gillard is their best option, there was often a drop-off late in the half when both started at the same time, with the back-ups levels below the starters.

This way around, Paulo was allowed to enter around the 20th minute and wreak havoc, which he certainly did.

Prior to his entry, Parra had managed three offloads, but from that point to the break, they managed eight. Canterbury didn’t have a single one.

The Samoan international topped the metre count after

It wasn’t just Paulo. Twice in the first half, the Parra pack strung together three offloads in one play, one of which lead to Paulo barging at the posts and, from the ruck, a simple one-off play for Cartwright to stroll over.

In the second, they scored a superb try that went from Paulo to Ryan Matterson and then Cartwright again. It was like the old creeping barrage of the 1950s at times.

The Dogs didn’t help themselves at times, but against this pack in that mood, it probably didn’t matter.

It took the Eels until the 39th minute to make an error, and in 30 degrees of Western Sydney heat, that means a lot.

This was about as good as it can go for Arthur. His team generally needs to have above 50% of possession to stand a chance, and today they got a lot, lot more than that.

Time will tell if this was them being good or the Dogs being poor, but in Round 1, it’s hard to do better than holding the ball, chancing your arm when the opportunity comes and playing the entire game in the other end.

What can we read into the Dogs?

Make no bones about it, Canterbury were battered here. Concerningly for Ciraldo, they were battered in exactly the way that many predicted that they would be.

What happens when you have a killer left edge but no middles? Those superstars never touch the ball.

Addo-Carr departed at half time and was injured well before that, and Crichton and Viliame Kikau did combine for a try that made the game interesting late on, but that was just Critta’s fifth run of the football in more than 70 minutes.

The big issue last year was the defence, and the ability to limit a Parra side that enjoyed such a huge possession imbalance is a positive for the coach. Not every team will play like the Eels did today and, when that happens, the Dogs will be a better shot.

With seven players on club debut from the 17, cohesion will improve too. This is day one of a long season.

Ironically given the galaxy on the left, the best footy they put on all day was for Blake Wilson’s try, with Blake Taaffe showing what he can do over on the right edge. All these are positives.

But the underlying issue, the lack of bulk in the middle, isn’t going away. Sam Hughes, Max King and Josh Curran were serviceable in the middle but if those three are the plan for the rest of the year, this probably won’t be the last time that we mention how their superstars failed to get the service they need to show their skills.

Join the Carty Party

Bryce Cartwright has been a bit of a divisive figure over the last few years – sometimes to do with things on the field, sometimes off it.

His move to the Titans was a disaster, and sufficiently so to make people forget the raw talent he so evidently has.

Today, behind a dominant pack and empowered to find second phase, he turned in just about his best ever performance in first grade.

There’ll be tougher challenges than this Bulldogs side, but after a 2023 in which he showed glimpses of what he can do, this was about as good as it could have started.

A major criticism of Cartwright’s game would have been that he was all fur coat and no knickers, a flashy player without the necessary grit to survive.

The big improvement last year was all in his game involvement, particularly around push supports and defensive efforts.

On this evidence, that has been maintained: his first try was relatively easy, but his second came almost entirely from a desire to get up around the footy and make a difference.

He made five offloads of his own in the first hour, but it was just as impressive that he was there to take other people’s. That was what he didn’t do before.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

I think you are wrong there GB ! Many NRL experts must read this forum. They regurgitate plenty that has written here at the Roar. Unless you think that is all just coincidence ?


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

True, but when all the things you practiced in preseason just falls apart under pressure and fatigue, the first thing that usually goes is discipline. It’s amazing how many teams drop the ball and then compound the error with a cheap penalty, it shouldn’t happen, discipline is one of the things you can control, but it’s amazing how often it happens.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

Well, Gus will claim the credit/blame for that. Gus is a much more hands on GM than most, and unlike most GM’s, he has total control of the football department just as he did at the Panthers. I actually think CC is safe at the Dogs for at least two more years. Gus knows he’s given CC a shit roster.


The Barry

Roar Guru

That’s fair… the disappointing part was the self destruct mode in the first 30 minutes. That was just sub-schoolboy level with errors and unnecessary penalties. That’s not because of being a new team The plus was the defensive attitude. We could have been down by 30 at halftime


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

Taaffe should have been given a chance to play HB at the Rabbitohs with Ilias underperforming all season. I feel that Lachlan Ilias is better suited to hooker.


The Barry

Roar Guru

I heard Gus say last year that he’d always seen Taaffe as a half I wouldn’t be against that move, but it takes a whole off season to maybe make that happen. To do it now, on the run, is what the Dogs have done over and over. It’s so frustrating I’m not too harsh on Hutchison from yesterday. The problem with the Dogs performance wasn’t their halves. But he seems unlikely to be the answer either Your last paragraph is correct too… we’ve got half a squad of 14s…


The Barry

Roar Guru

For sure… you can say the same things about halfback as well. I think they had a crack at Moses too, but he was unlikely to move That’s one pass I give Ciraldo. It’s easy to say “he’s built his squad”, that’s true but there haven’t been middle forwards or 7’s on the market My concern is how he’s dealing with the lack of those positions. Buying half a dozen utilities just doesn’t seem the answer


Short Memory

Roar Rookie

Yep. Unless there's some kind of massive shift Ciraldo won't see out the year.



Roar Rookie

That could work.


Glory Bound

Roar Rookie

I am sure that Gus only reads, and rereads, his own words, andrew. I don't believe that anyone involved in the NRL bothers reading a single comment on this forum. Though others here seem to think that is the case, I assure you I am not one of them.



Roar Rookie

I wonder if Gus has read your post GB.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

And have a look at the names we signed for 96, Jason Smith, Jim Dymock, Dean Pay, Jarrod McCracken, Aaron Raper, Gary Freeman, Peter Johnstone, Adam Ritson & Nathan Barnes, on top of holdovers like Scott Mahon, David Woods & Chris King and a nice collection of young players like Justin Morgan, Chris Lawler & Matthew Spence. Even then it took Brian Smith till 97 to make the finals, and then we were bounced in straight sets.



Roar Rookie

Agreed the amount of games played together counts. Parra dramatically overhauled their roster in 97, stacked with internationals, it took them a year to get to the semis and another 3 to get to a GF, and not many of those players were left. I've mentioned elsewhere with the squad they have the dogs have to play an entirely different game, with off loads and footwork amongst the forwards. That would take even more time to develop. It will be a tough year that's for sure



Roar Rookie

Sure did.



Roar Rookie

Crichton has to be fullback or 5/8, must get his hands on the ball more. And be the goal kicker.



Roar Rookie

TBH I can't see one off contract quality middle that the Dogs haven't already approached or, you'd encourage them to chase.


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

I don’t know why anyone was so surprised by the standard of the Dogs performance. You can’t turn your entire roster over in a three year period and expect the team to have any kind of chemistry or cohesion, even if the roster were perfectly constructed, which as we know it’s not. The Eels roster is vastly superior, though not without flaws, but the real difference between the two teams yesterday was the Eels continuity. Even when Mitch Moses was hobbled, we were able to adjust, albeit imperfectly, and keep the Dogs at arms length. That’s why I’ve no doubt the Eels are still at the very least a top 8 team, provided they stay reasonably healthy. Time spent together matters.



Roar Guru

The Dogs have lot of their salary cap sitting out on the left edge waiting for the ball


Brett Allen

Roar Rookie

I think the Dogs recruitment is really a function of the tightness of the free agent market. There simply weren’t any quality middles available apart from AFB and he was never going to the Dogs in his prime years no matter how much they offered.


The Barry

Roar Guru

Don’t remind me…

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