The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined May 2019









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I agree with evrything you say Stuart we are just weakening the pool of players in Australia and the UK, yes I agree its good to see people of differant races wanting to play for the old country, yet as we see in the UK players not selected to represent England are now jumping ship and trying to find a relation who came from Scotland, Ireland or Wales, it seemed a few years ago if your Grandad drank Guiness or went to Wales for a holiday, anyone with a Mac surname was Scotish. the situation in Greece and Lebanon is a great worry for the sport where it seems both governments a re showing such discrimination that it verges on human rights, in Greece it is certainly illegal if we refer to the European charter for equal sporting oportunities. All these countries must work to improve their own national competitions to be recognised as viable for international competition

Rep Round is a shining beacon but we are wading through murky international waters

brilliant article Stuart reaching a wider audience will highlight the disgraceful attitude of the powers that be in Greece, I have a great respect for the guys who are taking the game forward in Greece.

Opa! Let’s hear it for Greeks and rugby league
