The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined July 2019









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This is without a shred of doubt the most intelligent, relevant and heartfelt treatments of this situation there is. Six Australian men a day end their own lives. Who knows why but I am sure there are people in that stat who are dead because they are afraid of what society thinks of their masculinity or sexuality. I’m generally not a very sooky kinda guy, but Superbloke’s story stirred some emotions in me, and I’m sure many others that really need to be voiced and supported by all Australians. I personally played rugger at school in the 80s with a guy who everyone knew was gay, he sometimes got a bit of harmless ribbing by the lads but nothing vindictive. The coach also knew and never said a negative word about it. I never felt funny getting in a ruck with him, or taking a shower anywhere near him – remember this was in the “grim reaper” days, and blood bins were not a thing just yet either… I actually consider it one of my most valuable life lessons to have been his mate. Luckily he didn’t succumb to the same fate. The funny thing is I’m sure there were others, but they kept it low key.

My personal takehome:

Hell is a construct yet to be proven by anyone.
So is every religion, cult, etc on the planet – could well be all hogwash, no proof whatsoever.
Other peoples’ sexuality is none of our business.
Projection is a psychological defense mechanism by which people project hatred and can use others as scapegoats for aspects of themselves they hate.
Everyone should have the right to express themselves and work their magic on this earth in the way that they were meant to as long as it doesn’t deprive anyone else.
The waste of life that occurs when people are afraid of other people’s judgment based on old wives tales.
To finish, there is only two main driving-force emotions in everyone – love and fear. The others all just derive from those two.

A letter to Alan Jones on the matter of Israel Folau
