The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined November 2014







Pro benchwarmer, valiant left-right-out footballer of all codes, prone to bouts (and droughts) of brilliance.



Daws hasn't published any posts yet

So you would be okay if someone punched you in the face on the football field?

AFL rule changes are coming: The good, the bad, the indifferent

It’s not actually. Football/soccer is by a long shot.

Depends how you define popular Rick. Soccer has a lot more participants than AFL, sure.

But AFL dwarfs it in terms of spectators, both live and on TV.

*Edit: This is not designed to start a code war! Only to clarify facts.

The Tom Hawkins suspension is a disgrace

Waratahs, the team that should be the pride of Australian rugby.

Encapsulates a lot of what is wrong about Australian rugby.

It's crisis time for the worst-ever Waratahs and their overpaid stars

Racist argument -> logical conclusion = satire

Could have picked any of a dozen posts from the last week to make this article, plenty of material there for you Ben 😉

So Adam Goodes, who is the real racist?

Steveng gonna break this down for you one last time like everyone else already has,

“Because Goodes does this ‘not as an indigenous war dance’ he does all these things (like he often expresses himself in the media) to be controversial, divisive and to really ‘stick it up’ the people that he marginalises”

a) Point to examples where he is controversial, divisive and sticks it up the marginalized in the media.
b) He is standing up for the marginalized indigenous people of Australia

To steal Paul Keatings phrase, we are not here to be a sponge for your prejudice.

Does it offend you, yeah? Reaction to a dance highlights deeper issues

Intimidating? Did you find Nicky Winmar lifting up his shirt intimidating as well? Appropriate time? You mean Indigenous round right?

Does it offend you, yeah? Reaction to a dance highlights deeper issues

mountains or not, at least it exposes an underbelly in Australia that is, if not racist, at least confused.

Adam Goodes' jig is no big deal

Amen. 😉

Adam Goodes is spot on, people need to take a chill pill


Dreams of 200-plus dashed but the Swans still impress

Better have that comment on copy, ready to paste it again. It’s taking a little while to sink in.

Please, tell me how Adam Goodes offended you?

Brave man Adam. Sure to be talked about in the coming week as well.

[VIDEO] Sydney Swans vs Carlton Blues highlights: AFL scores, blog
