The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined September 2018









feedthegoat hasn't published any posts yet

aww. would you look at that!
i wasnt aware that the apl had their own paid up troll factory.
the kremlin or the israeli defence force media arms would be very impressed with your work.
the apl has taken an almighty dump on australian football fans from a truly impressive height to general outrage and rarely seen posters show up on a football article to sing their praises.

The only way the APL will learn is by fans voting with their feet

SWS was an obvious and wise choice. A football area with money behind it, a stadium in place and abundant growth assured.
West Melbourne, not so obvious, but it looks like a safe long term bet. SE melbourne would have been more logical, but it seems they didnt have the beans. At least it is in a growth area and within 20 years it should pay off. I just hope the the money people behind it have the financial fortitude to play the long game.

New football is beginning to resemble old soccer

hi churchman, its good to read you here. ive enjoyed your thoughts – and striking pic – on the guardian..
may the kilbey be with you.

The window of change opens, now to find the right people

hi AD, i welcome your thoughts and the thoughts of other well meaning general sports fans. the angst should be -and generally is- aimed at the blatant trolls which infest the football tab and additionally the more subtle ones such as mister football. i look forward to your contributions. FTG

The window of change opens, now to find the right people

i was so hoping that i would learn that he had a masters in philosophy!

Is there more to Matt Simon than meets the eye?
