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Whistle Blower

Roar Rookie

Joined May 2022









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Yeah, like that happens.

Respect for NRL referees? Let's start with media's role in making every decision a drama

I am a Rugby League Referee at community level.
The article is excellent.

Forget everything else, it is all about the win. Doesn’t matter if its U7’s, U15’s, A Grade or NRL. All anyone cares about is winning, at any cost. Winning at the cost of their reputation, their values, winning at the expense of someone else’s self worth.

Forever while you have meathead coaches and parents complaining about consistency at an U7’s carnival where 13yo Officials who are in their 2nd week in after doing the course, when their players can’t string 2 passes together, we as a community and supporter base have a problem and this only snowballs as the players get older and ultimately where we are now with the NRL.

In no other situation than a top level official are your decisions that you have to make in a thousandths of a second, then scrutinized in a frame by frame manner to see if a finger did leave the ball or not, or if there was a hand in the ruck.
Betting on Sports is what has driven us to where we are now. The, need to get it right so punters don’t get paid out for what afterwards is found to be incorrect and conversely the punter losing in the same manner.

There needs to be a whole culture shift from ‘The ref cost us the game’, to ‘ Well, if we didn’t leak 16pts, we would have won the game’. The culture needs to start at the bottom and needs to be upheld at all levels of the game.

I wonder regularly, at where the media ( ex players, coaches, commentators ) get their ideas from, as to what the rules actually are of the game. It is clear, that they have no idea. Absolutely no idea! Of the rules. So much so, that I would challenge ANY of them to run an U8’s game. I guarantee, that the 13 and 14yo’s we have running around on a Saturday morning WILL do a better job than these so called experts. Self nominated experts at that.

So how to fix it?
The Bunker is here to stay. So, show the replays in real time. That’s how the ref see’s it, so review it at the same speed as the incident happened. It would make any review quick and timely. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, well it is a duck!

Get the media and commentators educated. MAKE them spend 1 day, just 1, out in the community on the paddock. Give them an appreciation of the job of an official. Call it, work experience or a development opportunity.

The Supporters and public. Good luck there. Most don’t know the rules and don’t want to know the rules. They just want the win, at any cost and when they don’t get it they want to look for the easiest target, the guy in the middle. Not the guy who knocked on, or went the open side when the winger was unmarked or the fella who missed the kick at goal.

Finally, bias towards teams and clubs. Never heard a bigger load of crap in my life. The refs decisions are scrutinized frame by frame, the whole game is videoed from multiple angles, the refs are mic’d up for audio…. And then they get accused of bias. What a load of rubbish.

Respect for NRL referees? Let's start with media's role in making every decision a drama
