The Roar
The Roar

John Six

Roar Rookie

Joined June 2023









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I think the part that’s missing here is the potential point of ignition. After the showdown, Warren Treadrea came out and said what many Port Adelaide supporters have been thinking (and saying). The media decide to look at his comments in the context of just one season, but if you actually listen to him, he’s talking about a lot longer than that. It drew massive attention to the subject of Ken and his contract. Following this, Ken moved to the boundary line. This is where your speculation comes in (and it is just speculation). Ken moved out of the box to motivate and be the player’s coach they all talk about on the boundary, leaving the box and it’s strategic vantage point to the assistants. Does it devalue Ken’s role or elevate Josh and the other assistant’s role? Thats a subject of debate. At the moment it’s working. Warren has taken a few bullets for his comments but he was right (you can’t debate the facts he presents up until that point), and it just might be the spark that ignited the flame for something special.

Who is really coaching Port Adelaide?
