The Roar
The Roar

Kenny Lickit

Roar Rookie

Joined May 2023









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Eddie’s Tassie rant on footy classified (17th may) bordered on hysterical. Not only the news reader, but Damian Barrett had to tell him to calm down. I would like to ask Eddie to state if he has any financial interest in Hobart real estate, or any connections to developers vying to build the proposed stadium.
Also, the pro stadium camp attacking the integrity of those who are questioning this stadium is a tactic tried by Hillary Clinton on Trump supporters before the 2016 USA election. I heard on S.E.N a caller label Jaqui Lambie and people from the north of the state as “professional whiners”. BILLIONS to be poured into Hobart, after North tassie has supported the AFL fo DECADES, since the days of St Kilda and Siren gate. And what does Launceston get out of this “tassie team”? A couple of token games a year, in a stadium with no roof?
Does Gil and Eddie think the QUARTER OF A MILLION PEOPLE in northern Tasmania will drive the 3 to 5 hour journey home over BLACK ICE at night, along the midlands highway, dodging wallabies after watching a game in Hobart?
There’s something slightly sinister about all of this. If it really is about a tassie team, and NOT about cashing in on real estate deals, then the 100 year old historic Bellerive oval would be renovated, and the spare money would be used to build a fast train connecting Launceston to Hobart, that NOT only football fans could use, but be an incredible touridt asset for th whole of the state for the next 100 years, AND save deaths on the road.

Tasmania doesn't need a new stadium - shame on the AFL for forcing us into building one
