The Roar
The Roar

Michael Warren

Roar Guru

Joined July 2011









The problem with your option Kovana is that Aussie struggles with 5 SR teams already and needs the expertise to upgrade their pool of reserve players coming on, just as the Black Caps cricketing is similar to the standard of the lower echelon of Aussie rugby and needs the Aussie skill input. We are not trying to duplicate an NPC but simply enhance and better the playing skills of players.

How about some trans-Tasman sporting co-operation?

True Bob, and already happens with many of our Island brothers playing in NZ teams.

How about some trans-Tasman sporting co-operation?

Was trying to avoid being “pickie” again here Mania and also trying to avoid the arrogance of suggesting that Aussie input would down grade the ITM. That point is utter rubbish. There as some fine athletes in both countries that would benefit from better tuition.

How about some trans-Tasman sporting co-operation?

This is what I am suggesting in that a number of selected players funded by their respective unions from country of origin and have those select players benefit by playing with players in a good competion with teams who have already got the mix of good players and newbies. After a stint of say 1/2 a season (replace them by a second group) with the team whilst the first group return to impart their knowledge to the teams and onto the higher levels ie Super, International etc.
BTW… Anything can happen if there is a will to do so especially when words “can’t and won’t” are replaced with “can and will.”

How about some trans-Tasman sporting co-operation?

Spiro, this is one one of the most objective writing I have read and your blood needs bottling. Well done on a great article.
Regarding your comments on the Channel 9 commentators…. suggest you also listen to Messes Greg Martin, Greg Clark and Phil Kearns on the Fox network during Super Rugby commentaries especially when a NZ team is playing. I cringe at some of the one eyed and tunnel visioned comments spoken and believe that your article backs up much of what seems to now be the norm said on TV. I have found that it is now much better to watch the rugby TV pics and listen to the ABC radio commentary.!

SPIRO: Hurrah! Australia has finally won more gold than New Zealand

George Greegan turned it into an art. He would milk a penalty by deliberately standing behind the referee at scrum time, and after the “engage” was completed and after the referee had got out of the way, would delay the put-in. Invariably by this time the scrum would have collapsed and a penalty given, whereby George then threw the ball in his hand to his waiting number eight.

George can be credited with many points gained by this “artful dodger”, under the auspices of being an art, skill, ploy or cheating. Whatever it was called he was a great thinker used his head to gain the best of advantage for his team, right or wrong and irrespective of method.

Many of the great players are great players because they play the game to the laws’ limits and well done to them all for doing so. That’s what makes great players legends.

Rugby's tactical penalty: cheating or genius?

Thanks Vanilla,…similar thinkings…

All Black World Cup winners disappoint in Super Rugby

Nick, please read my opening comment to Jason under Mania.

All Black World Cup winners disappoint in Super Rugby

The points you make Jason are valid and we know doubt will see in time if your theory is correct by watching the 9, 10, and 12 combination of the Crusaders and how they fare over the next few weeks with their changes.
Tinkering with the team however does not give a solution to the franchise problem. Wynn Gray from the NZ Herald reiterated much of what I have written regarding the Blues franchise on Reunion last night. Poor player purchases, with selection and coaching inadequacies will sadly continue to give you poor Blue’s outcomes. The Blues fans deserve better than what they are getting and hard decisions need to be taken to fix it.

All Black World Cup winners disappoint in Super Rugby

Jason In the interests of good copy and standards, articles submitted by writers are edited and sometimes emphasis or points originally written by the writer may not be portrayed quite as/or intended. I do however agree that there are outstanding players from RWC 2011 playing well, some players now coming into form and those who need to up their ante.
Much has been written regarding the poor form of the Blues, and most opinions agree there is a problem in the franchise. What no-one has supplied yet is the winning solution formula so the debate goes on.

All Black World Cup winners disappoint in Super Rugby

Love BG and his fast dynamic style. A pleasure to watch.

Articles submitted to editors can take a time before appearing here so my apologies to any similarity to VG.

All Black World Cup winners disappoint in Super Rugby

As an Ex player and Referee at senior provincial level many years ago I understand your nervous concerns Ian. However, cast them aside and simply call everything as you see with out fear or favour. You will never be right all the time but with experience and time you will get better. As Fatty pointed out, the Ref has the hardest of all jobs, but they have more courage to do the thankless task than armchair critics, players and fans would never do it. Refs are special as it is their knowledge, art and skills that influence the players to get the best from the game and they do it in such a way as to obtain the players confidence, respect and loyal cooperation. I look forward to seeing you Refereeing your first test match.

Super Rugby referees need help from technology

This is why the article was written for discussion thanks Marko. The game is faster and with more fish-hooks in it than a longline. The Ref needs help and we sit on our hands saying it but doing nothing about it. We introduced the TMO, White cards and Assistant Refs so what’s wrong wiith giving the Ref a few more and far better tools than he currently has through technology.

Super Rugby referees need help from technology

Good points here Gary

Super Rugby referees need help from technology

Thanks Brett
I look at the mêlée that took place between the Canes and Sharkies. Not much but unnecessary and a developing trend seen to lesser degrees in other games.
The accusation of the two separate incidents accusing the Crusaders of eye-gouging and dismissed by the Commissioner yet having a very likely influence on the Ref by him not seeing it (no pun intended).
My point is that better technology in the right places would help the whistle blower do his job better I feel.

Super Rugby referees need help from technology

The information from those ducking and diving after 18 moths is that the old AMI stadium is munted and when pulled down for a suggested cricket ground, the insurance payout is $180M. When $30M is added it is almost that which would be needed if a 30-40,000 seat stadium was to be build buying, modifing and expanding the already available plans of Dunedin. Living in this Quakeandshake City it would be great to see permanentcy rather than temporary as Christchurch quakes will be going for years. By delaying good long term construction serves no purpose. Being isolated in your own country during the biggest rugby event on the planet was a horrendious blow and we don’t want to be continually ostracised further from future events. As a correction to some of the thinking here, money for stadiums do not come from that which is paid for munted personal properties.

Is Christchurch Stadium really only temporary?

Three points.
1. Is the word called “Temporary” a pseudo word for “Permanent” in reality?
2. Lets get over the earthquakes feel sorry for us atitude and build everything now for the future with thinking that provides long term outcomes.
3. The point of the article was about Temporary V Permanent where money is being spent on short term thinking, not about being grateful which I acknowledged in my opening sentence.

Is Christchurch Stadium really only temporary?

I would like to express my thanks to all contributors to this debate. It saddens me to think that so many in the hieracy that should be reading many of the thoughts and points from the many contributions here, never will. However, congrats to you all.

Rugby fiddles while Otago Rugby Football Union burns

Joseph, maybe the Kiwis have got a resonanable gripe? Could you imagine the howls from Aussies if suddenly the colour of the jersey was called “yellow” and not gold and another country adopted it as their alternative strip?

England is cheating in adopting the black colours

I concur with Spiro that the IRB as the governing body have the power to enforce and endorse the registration of a countries colours. By doing so it protects the intellectual, marketing and cultural rights of that country. The IRB could have a multi coloured one colour fits all away strip that is used by any team when an alternative strip is required. It is so flattering to the All Blacks that these countries hold them in such esteem. They will dress in gold when in Australia next.

England is cheating in adopting the black colours
