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The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined October 2021









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Couldn’t agree more, salary caps/drafts are impossible in elite football without some sort of unthinkable revolution. That’s why I also watch more international than club football these days. Money is put to one side and eleven of our lot battle eleven of your lot. It doesn’t get simpler, better, or purer than that. Cheers, Rob

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules

I would be very interested to see how much time you have spent in Britain, Bludger!

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules

Imposing a salary cap and draft system on the EPL would not work and therefore have not been proposed. There are thousands of words in the book about how governance of the world game works – the mere existence of the ill-fated Super League surely proves that there is room for improvement.

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules

Fun fact: I have never lived in Melbourne! I have made a living writing about football for the majority of my adult life and know more about the game than is healthy! It is just becoming harder and harder to love. Cheers, Rob

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules

Couldn’t agree more. The broken system of elite club football is only really solvable if you get buy-in from 200+ countries. Yes, the two sports are very difficult to compare for various cultural, economic, geographical and historical reasons but it was a fun exercise trying to do so. Sadly, without the kind of revolution that those with vested interests would never allow to happen, top level football will keep moving further and further away from inequality. Over the last decade, I have probably watched more matches in a month-long international football tournament than I would in an entire league season. The corrupting influence of money is set aside and it’s just eleven of your lot versus eleven of our lot. Doesn’t get any better, or purer, than that. Cheers, Rob

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules


What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules

Would love to hear more about what you mean, Seymore. As you can probably imagine, I have read Moneyball and am aware who the Boston Red Sox are. Are you referring to MLB’s luxury tax in contrast to the salary cap system or the general concept of analytics? Cheers, Rob.

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules

Can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed scrolling through these comments! It’s obviously impossible to distill the entire contents of an 80,000+ word book into an article like this, but I’m delighted it has at the very least provoked some thought and no shortage of passion! Would love it if you could spare the price of a beer to read the book in its entirety, but regardless of this I’d be happy to address and debate any issues related to it. Cheers, Rob.

What the Premier League and its 'soulless embrace of capitalism' can learn from Aussie rules
