The Roar
The Roar


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Joined August 2017









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Whatever achievements anyone claims feeds into the belief and Floyd’s own arrogant self claim that HE is TBE, IMO, this fight certainly did not either increase or affirm PBF’s status in boxing. In fact, after this fight, one could say there was a degree of tarnish to the rep.
In terms of professional boxing experience, this was 49 pro fights (49 victories no less) vs ZERO professional boxing matches. Going into the fight, even if McGregor himself was considered TBE in UFC he still had to be objectively viewed as an acute underdog – crossing over to Mayweather’s chosen mode of combat. If Mayweather crossed over to the Octagon, would he have seen the same relative success as McGregor? I don’t believe so.
Aside from boxing skillset vs boxing skillset, there was little focus on the question of the viability of McGregor’s cross over stamina. Stamina in professional boxing (including preparatory progress by way of the amateur ranks) is a considerately developed attribute, with progressively lengthened duration as a boxer gets more and more rounds under the belt. This can’t be replicated in the gym, a boxer has to actually get the fights under his belt to develop his stamina and complement that stamina with a cool and measured output. The stamina required in UFC as compared to Boxing is a completely different animal altogether.
I didn’t see PBF’s skillset so much overcome McGregor as did Conor’s own fast depleting stamina – that was always going to be McGregor’s achille’s heel.. When the gas runs out, the legs go, the hands drop, the punches lose their steam and a fighter begins to lose focus on the strategy that serves him best – this is completely aside from whatever his opponent is putting to him.. Until McGregor’s gas ran out, he was doing very well, utilising good movement and distance, a nice southpaw jab that notably disrupted Mayweather judgment of distance and he was also catching Mayweather with nice varied assortment of punches otherwise.
As I saw it, Mayweather basically stepped it up as McGregor clearly began to tire and became more or less a sitting duck. Until then, Mayweather was in a real fight and less inclined to pull the trigger lest he get conclusively caught himself. Had McGregor held his stamina throughout, the 2nd half of this fight may well have taken on a very different complexion.
BTW, I respect UFC but I’ve been a substantive boxing fan for many years but I was impressed by McGregor’s performance..

Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor highlights: Boxing live blog, round-by-round updates
