The Roar
The Roar

Life Time Fan

Roar Rookie

Joined February 2019







Publisher and editor of the book "The Greatest Game Under the Sun - the history of Rugby League in Queensland". Published for Australian bi-centenary. Played, refereed and followed Rugby League for over 60 years.



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Congratulations Mary on a brilliant and sensitive summary of the real issues in the de Bellin case. I am the first one to defend the innocent until proven guilty standard, but we must also accept that he has a case to answer after a professional police investigation. Also, what does his public stand do to the female involved in this matter. The courts will eventually rule on his guilt or otherwise, but this young woman will always be scarred by the circumstances whatever the outcome. Is it fair to her to have some of the ridiculous comments on social media thrown at her to inflict more pain. If Mr de Bellin worked in a wide range of environments he would be stood down with pay (as he has been) until the matter was resolved. He is not some lanonymous laborer on an isolated worksite. He is a public figure who has a responsibility to uphold the image of the game he earns so much money from. The only disadvantage he is currently suffering is not playing games. He is being paid, and can freely associate and train with his teammates. If he was in many other occupations he would be banned from his workplace. He put himself in this position and while that does not make him necessarily guilty of a crime, it should make him feel responsible for the damage he has done to the image of the game. As a person who has spent many years in regulation and law enforcement and in my retirement still provides part time services to the court system, I will respect the decison of the court in his appeal. However, I wonder how many people will boycott games he plays in if he wins? Or worse how many boos and comments from the crowd will be directed at him. The no fault suspension is both fair and right and should stay.

'He wasn't educated': De Belin's lawyers play the blame game

Innocent until proven guilty is correct. But, being suspended on full pay while matters are investigated is also a time honoured principle. Police officers who are cahrged are often stood down while the matter is handled in court (sometime with ay and sometimes not). Other professions also have similar rules. I am not saying that being charged proves you did it, but at least there is a case to answer. In cases such as de Belin’s we should of course give him all the due process the law demands, and allow him to support his family. However, whether he should play is more a question of what it looks like. And in this case it does not look good.

Media misfires on NRL crisis
