The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined May 2019









Renraw hasn't published any posts yet

That’s Rennie’s fault apparently!! Always is…

'Great time in my life': Hoops explains why he left the Wallabies, where he's at, and what comes next

Oh really? Better tell Chris Bowen and a few others in the Labour party they’ve got it wrong then!

Israel Folau has been unfairly hounded out of Australian rugby

A couple of interesting points: First you’re happy to say you’re a Christian, by definition and as the name implies, a Christian follows Christ. There are certain teachings a follower of Christ need to follow & be obedient to, both from Jesus and from his appointed Apostles. I’d say Folau is a follower of Jesus because he is not ashamed to speak up for him and what was taught. I’m not sure that’s how you see it?
Second: You say a Christian shouldn’t preach, yet if your article isn’t preaching what you believe, then what is it?
Please read Ephesians 2:8-9, its not about what we’ve done, but what’s been done for us.

No one person is bigger than the game

Or is it mere co-incidence that the two worst crowds for the Waratahs this season occurred after Folau stood down? People are voting with their feet!

Waratahs miss platinum opportunity in the Golden West
