The Roar
The Roar


Joined November 2011







Born and raised on footy, went to more GFs by the time I was 9 than I have since (then: 4, since: 2). Fave player Bob "Sparklepixie" Murphy. "I could be bounded in a pill/agate/nutshell and count myself king of infinite space." (Bill Shakespeare)



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As far as the future of the game goes, if my response to watching a few minutes the other night is any gauge, it’s already over. Without the oval ball it really does resemble aerial ping-pong. What few seem to realise is that the pill is a bit part of the drive of AFL players. Call it totemic, call it atavistic, but the pull of the Sherrin (or whatever less agate you can name, though I’m not sure about the Burley) is massive. We spend our lives making it the object, to the extent that as kids we walk around handballing it and kicking it to ourselves as we roam fitfully around our 20-square suburban hell-hole homes, our rapidly shrinking 1/4 acre blocks. The colour doesn’t seem to matter (although I saw a green one recently in my son’s hands, and it did feel distinctly strange, but that could’ve been the pseudo-hologram effect of the paintjob), but the shape patently does. So I don’t blame the AFL players for not having the desire required to get their hands on a giant ping-pong ball before one of those surprisingly quick Irish buggers. Bouncing round balls a for following in a singalong, not kicking through the big sticks. And as for the goals, don’t get me started on the whole stupid net thing…if I want a net, I’ll go fishing.

Rules may need luck of Irish to survive
