The Roar
The Roar

Tah Tragic

Roar Rookie

Joined April 2019









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Thanks for the reply, sorry in my own delay…

Just refer me to an academic peer-reviewed journal article that argues the bible has been changed for millennia and I’ll concede your point. Just one would be fine, from someone who is an expert in history.

The parable of Israel Folau and the tax collector

‘The unknown men who wrote and re-wrote the Bible over millennia’… so you obviously haven’t actually read the Bible, or at least thought about it. Statements like this would be laughed out of any ancient history department from universities around the world.

The parable of Israel Folau and the tax collector

Folau is simply stating the belief held by Christians all through history and all through the world stating that all people need Jesus to be saved. Daniel are you suggesting that this Christian view has ‘no place’ in rugby or society?

Should the Wallabies boycott playing Fiji given that they are mostly a team of Christians who pray at the end of each game? What about Muslims playing the sport?

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Free speech has to allow for hate speech, especially when hate speech is so subjectively defined. If someone’s words are patently false, absurd or foolish then anyone is free to point this out and it should be simple enough to demolish the arguments. In a society that doesn’t condone violence the only other method we have to change opinions is arguments and counter arguments. In a society that wants to progress it makes no sense at all to silence someone who holds different views. If someone’s views are offensive, demonstrate why they are wrong and move on.

By sacking Israel Folau, Rugby Australia showed what true leadership looks like
