The Roar
The Roar


Bellamy laments Origin One repeat

24th June, 2009

NSW coach Craig Bellamy was at a loss to explain his side’s Origin II capitulation, lamenting the Blues’ failure to learn from their series opening loss.

Just as they did in losing game one in Melbourne, Bellamy’s Baby Blues again fell short of the mark at Origin level, with the step up in class leaving NSW wallowing well back as they went down 24-14 at ANZ Stadium on Wednesday night.

In what was almost a repeat performance, the Blues were ambushed at the start as Queensland capitalised on some poor handling and shoddy defence to run up an 18-0 lead.

“Those first three tries were probably the softest tries I’ve ever seen in Origin … that’s hugely disappointing,” said Bellamy when asked if the Blues caused their own problems.

“They scored off a play we practiced defending all week when (Greg) Inglis scored and then (Israel) Folau scores between two of our big forwards and then we have a ball that bounces three times within ten metres of our tryline and they score – I’m thinking they’re probably our mistakes.

“It was a little bit like the first game -we started pretty strongly and then all off a sudden we got six again and we wanted to throw a pass out the back where we don’t know where it’s going … ten minutes later she’s 18-0 again.”

The Blues fought back to get within four points late in the game, but just as they did in Melbourne, the Maroons had the last thrust with a Cameron Smith try sparking celebrations.

Worse was to follow after the game with news Luke O’Donnell had injured the posterior cruciate ligament in his left knee while Trent Barrett was charged with a grade one reckless high tackle for his hit which left Greg Inglis with a suspected fractured jaw.


Barrett has until noon Thursday to decide whether to accept the two week ban with an early guilty plea or risk a three game suspension by fighting the charge at the judiciary.

Bellamy said it was too early to discuss possible changes for game three, where the Blues will be hard pressed to avoid a series whitewash.

“Some parts of our game you think we’ve got a great nucleus there,” Bellamy said.

“Then with some of the errors that we made, the options we took at the end of the game when we were in the game .. I’m very confused at the moment.”
