The Roar
The Roar


Doesn’t anyone want to #standbyessendon?

Tayte Pears and Brent Stanton of the Bombers look dejected. (Photo: Lachlan Cunningham/AFL Media)
Roar Rookie
1st August, 2013

Since the Ziggy Switkowski report was compiled and distributed, has anyone seen anything to suggest the Essendon administration has wrested back control from the football department?

My position is one looking from outside in, but the ‘support James Hird’ message appears to have been amplified.

You’d think the best thing the new president could do is to talk about the football club, how it will stand long after any of its current custodians.

He should remove the ‘personalities’ out of the equation, and restore the message that the club is bigger than any one individual. That the club is even now going about implementing changes to ensure it’s governance is both strong and in control.

I realise the supporter base is no indication of what happens inside the four walls of the footy club, but while the #standbyhird message is an admirable attempt at loyalty, one must argue the loyalty is misdirected.

Does nobody realise it is the footy club that is besieged right now, and it’s the footy club that needs to be defended and protected?

I’m not saying Hird’s credibility hasn’t taken multiple hits, perhaps many unjustified and unfair – I am sure plenty of claims have been baseless and unfounded. We cannot pretend though, that many other names haven’t been subjected to similar innuendo.

Current staff members, former staff members, players, even the captain have been subjected to constant scrutiny.


Alarmingly, when the playing group took to twitter last night to convey their sentiments at what they felt was negativity towards events that unfolded at their football club in recent times, they as well choose to express themselves with this same #standybyhird message.

Instead of signs that the club has restored some balance and stepped back from the individualising nature that got them here in the first place, the Hird message has instead become even more suffocating.

You have to admit, #standbyhird is the strangest slogan for what should be a way of conveying support of the Essendon Football Club.
