The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined February 2008









I think i would rather see Julia Gillard naked than watch the fury play and i have
she looks like Robbie in drag.

Fury escape with a controversial draw

If ya dont like it stop your f******* whingeing and change the channel drop kicks!!!!!!
How many shows on TV are there that you dont like.
eg : This movie sucks change the channel i don t like golf change the channel i hate hey hey its saturday change the channel

Why why why write an article and comment on a show you don t like ya bunch of morons.


The Back Page is a joke, but not a funny one

My article should have been about the Gary,Clipper and Ronnie the Eel Show.
You boys have got too much spare time up your sleeves.
Get out and get some fresh air, maybe go and have lunch together, there is more to life than sitting in front of your computers
disagreeing. Life is passing before your eyes. (God help your poor partners if you have one).

Andrew Johns' ugly comments bleed deep

A letter to the editor in a Outback Newspaper

My names Barry

Its not my real name as i dont think its my place to give a opinion for others and hurt other people in my town that may disagree. I dont write much and excuse the writing.

On this Joey Johns racism thing people in the city dont realise what the affect of these comments has done to our communitys like Cunnamulla and Charleville who have a 50 – 50 white and black community as well as a hard working nice asian migrants working in our meatworks.

All of the past years of trying to get rid of the differences between us racialy has some what gone out the window a bit in one stupid celebrity comment all the trust and goodwill has turned back to paranoia and mistrust between community groups of different cultures. People all of a sudden are thinking if Joey Johns thinks like that so do all the other white fellas in town.

Walking down town the other day after the story was released was very uncomfortable people would not look each other in the eye like they use too, conversation in the pubs became rascist people saying thing like just another excuse for the black fellas to complain there is nothin in it they just want more money and the black fellas saying typical white c**** never liked us anyway f*** them.

To think this idiot will keep his job and hope it all blows over is a joke he must pay for his actions get out of the public eye, sell carpets or something. You are dividing our great country. Our laundry is the only thing that should seperate our colours.
Its up to people with the power like yourselves to make sure people like this dont ruin our great country and they get buried with this horrible disease so we can never here there vulgar thoughts again.



Food for thought!

Andrew Johns quits NSW over Inglis racial slur

A letter to the editor in a Outback Newspaper

My names Barry

Its not my real name as i dont think its my place to give a opinion for others and hurt other people in my town that may disagree. I dont write much and excuse the writing.

On this Joey Johns racism thing people in the city dont realise what the affect of these comments has done to our communitys like Cunnamulla and Charleville who have a 50 – 50 white and black community as well as a hard working nice asian migrants working in our meatworks.

All of the past years of trying to get rid of the differences between us racialy has some what gone out the window a bit in one stupid celebrity comment all the trust and goodwill has turned back to paranoia and mistrust between community groups of different cultures. People all of a sudden are thinking if Joey Johns thinks like that so do all the other white fellas in town.

Walking down town the other day after the story was released was very uncomfortable people would not look each other in the eye like they use too, conversation in the pubs became rascist people saying thing like just another excuse for the black fellas to complain there is nothin in it they just want more money and the black fellas saying typical white c**** never liked us anyway f*** them.

To think this idiot will keep his job and hope it all blows over is a joke he must pay for his actions get out of the public eye, sell carpets or something. You are dividing our great country. Our laundry is the only thing that should seperate our colours.
Its up to people with the power like yourselves to make sure people like this dont ruin our great country and they get buried with this horrible disease so we can never here there vulgar thoughts again.



Food for thought!

Nine stands by Johns

Racism is when you have laws set up, systematically put in a way to keep people from advancing, to stop the advancement of a people. Aboriginal people have never had the power to enforce racism, and so this is something that white Australia is going to have to work out themselves. If they decide they want to stop it, curtail it, or to do the right thing … then it will be done, but not until then.

Indigenous All Stars and society's racial division

MMM too much time up your sleeves boys.
You both have very good journailist skills, many sites online would pay you for that type and amount of content.
Just have something each way on Scenic Blast, in the cox plate on saturday and buy each other a beer.
Cheers lol

Horse racing should no longer be called a sport
