The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined May 2009









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AFL target athletes with certain physical characteristics that either can be converted to play AFL eg Hunt, the Canadian guy for swans etc and players who have some skills but can develop them and are given a go due to their physical characteristics. This is the rule to which there are exeptions and it is not a criticism but rather what is required for the game. Players can be brought in to play AFL even if they have been brought up on other sports as long as they have the desired physical characteristics.
In certain football countries physical characteristics have been an important aspect in the selection of both young and senior players. By and large in most football countries it is the level of and development of skills which is the determining factor of player progression through the ranks to professional. Football as a sport relies much more heavily on the skill of individual players with athleticism important but secondary. A player needs to have played football from a young age to become a professional of any standing. AFL players need to be physically strong and athletic first and foremost as would be the case for the Rugby codes. This is part of what makes football unique amongst the codes and yes there are exceptions to the general rule above.
Sorry pip your thesis is wrong IMO.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak


Got it in one…Pip over to you!

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

Have you ever attended a professional football training session to see how much work goes into getting that player free for a header at the far post etc? Would seem not from what you are saying here.
My point earlier was about scoring not defending…scoring is the difficult part of football.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

Lets put it this way Pip… compare the difficulty of goal scoring between the codes…yep football by far the most difficult game to score goals. Therefore it takes some level of complexity and tactical awareness to manufacture enough goal scoring opportunities at the highest level, particularly with the massed defences, packed midfields and defensive tactics of the current era.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

What a load of crap…IMO of course…Sokkah simplistic AFL complicated? And what inside info or insider knowledge do you have to make such a suggestion? The fact that AFL is trying to be like Gridiron with more coaches than players dont make it harder to work out. The hardest part is keeping track of the hundreds (seems like it anyway) of interchanges…no doubt in a decade or so it will be one team off another one on…Gridiron anyone?

““Football is not one of the “four codes” – it stands alone and is, in fact, the only football code.”” Fos is spot on here. The other footballing codes are ball handling…get it! Football is played with the feet…not difficult really.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak


Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

Two vs Ireland coupla weeks ago but hey it was only an international.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak


1. AFL is a fast game and its played at a fast pace all the time with players great athleticism winning over their more skilled bretheren. Dont mistake fast for skillfull. In AFL the fast player will virtually always win…not so in football where by and large skill is needed to beat an opponent ie dribble past them using step over etc. There are some exceptions to the rule but by and large l would stand by that differentiation
2 Football players play on a smaller more crowded field using largely their feet to play the ball. Having played both l can assure you that decsion making under extreme time pressure is at least equal to but l would argue greater than AFL
3.Infinite possibilities in both but the ability to make the correct decision from those possibilities is more important and harder in a football game where one mistake or great pass can win the game (less so in AFL where there is regular scoring throughout the game).

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak


l’m afraid you’re sounding less credible with each subsequent post but more like an AFL zealot.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

Jeez good comeback Bever

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

What you say is essentially correct AndyRoo. As someone who has lived in Melbourne for 40 plus years (and love it) what l can tell you is that there is only one code down here that is great…the media ram that down your throat from day one and if you dont agree well…lets just say putting it mildly one is considered unAustralian. We are constantly told how great this game is the great games etc etc. No other code is described as being great…in fact if the code looks like becoming a threat the media ramps up the AFL love fest and will even look to put the alternative down eg send AFL reporters to games to publish articles denigrating the game ie Mike Sheahan article on MV/Sokkah a couple of years ago.
AFL can be a terrific game to watch and even play (the players are top athletes) but to many the over hyping has turned them off. The AFL will always be number one in Melbourne but it has almost reached the point where a mono (football) sporting culture exists here. Its the AFL road or its the road to nowhere in Melbourne as far as the media are concerned.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

What Fos says is correct…playing predominantly with the feet makes football unique amongst the codes. Wow cue hissy fit city from the AFL lovers! Oh pleeeease!

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

And how many Sokkah games did you play Lewie?

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak


l.m not a fan of CCM either but…if all teams played the same it would be a very boring league. l like to see varying styles, players with different abilities, coaches that use different tactics, players of various sizes and shapes playing etc etc.
The FA Cup example you use can also be said for the EPL now where the smaller (resources, finances etc) teams play a harrying defensive style vs the big 4.
CCM have a particular style and whilst the current coach is there will probably continue with it. This is a matter for the club and its fans. Remember Wimbledon from the old English Div 1 who were as ugly as sin to watch but still made for some fascinating viewing as they were a small team playing in the big league against the odds. Their players and fans knew it and played accordingly.

Five reasons I'm loving A-League season five

Good point agga78. Always like to see the refs allow the game to continue and see if there is advantage before blowing the whistle…also would like all assistant refs to give benefit of the doubt to attacking team in close offside decisions (as they are directed to).

Managers holding A-League back, not players

Very sad case for her and her family but her athletics career is over. Having testosterone levels 3 times that of a female means she cannot race vs females as it is not like v like. Team sports may be different and what she needs now is some good management to help her (and her family)become at least financially comfortable from this unusual series of events. l am sure media will be clamoring to find out more and there is a genuine interest in the story from people around the world.

The media should just let Cassie Samenya be

The first half of last nights game was open and entertaining, the second half was what most managers in Vidmar’s shoes would do…play on the break and hold onto what they have (1-0 lead) as its up to the other team to come at them.
l have sometimes thought that the managers in HAL have a responsibility to make their teams entertain but…like any other pro league their task first and foremost is to ensure they win…otherwise they are an out of work manager!
l enjoyed the first half but understood the reasons for the second half being cagey. The quality of teams, players, coaches and games varies from week to week and that part of the excitement of following and gaining an emotional attachment to a team…not sure of what is going to happen week in week out.
HAL could instruct the coaches to play outside the norm and just attack creating artificial 4-4 games but…in attracting any new supporters due to this the new supporters would soon be lost when teams played a 0-0 draw.
l watched the JLeague highlights show last night and some games highlights were captured in less than 30 seconds with one 0-0 draw not even shown. There are poor games in every league (ever watched Bolton v Stoke in the EPL)…yes they dont help draw the floating sports fans interest but they are a part of our game. In what other sport do fans pay money to go and watch and are not guarenteed a result or even a score? Part of the fascination of this great game.
This years quality of games is better IMO than the past MV v BR 3-3, GCU v SFC 2-1, etc but there will always be games when the 1-0 result is much more important than entertaining the fans.

Managers holding A-League back, not players

“simonjzw was saying was that soccer has never been able to overtake a strongly supported national code anywhere in the world.”

Football has done a fair job in regions like Asia, Africa and the Middle East where it is now the most popular sport. How many countries have taken on AFL, NFL or RL/RU as their most popular code in place of an established sport?

So what if AFL is not an international sport

Bangladesh wasnt created as a country until about 1971 hence the recent years for their Cricket participation…doesnt change the fact that for the time prior to that the people living there were within a Cricket region (sub continent). Check East Bengal for the popularity of football within India itself and the growing interest of the Indian population in football (admittedly of the EPL variety).

So what if AFL is not an international sport

Exactly…AFL has been shown in US and GB for decades and look at the results…basically a few people kicking a ball in the park…pretty much sums up the blog nicely.

So what if AFL is not an international sport

“Jets vs Roar should be the match of the round entertainment wise ” Good to see you have a sense of humour AndyRoo 😉

Round 6 A-League match previews

Hate to tell you this Dave Bangldesh was once part of India then Pakistan…if they dont like Cricket there is something wrong! Do we need to list the countries that have football as their national and most popular sport?

So what if AFL is not an international sport

AU 2 CCM 0
NJ 1 BR 1
MV 2 WP 1
PG 1 GC 2

Must win game for MV…it is the beginning of a run to the top of the ladder 🙂 Kruse to score on debut!!
Smeltz to keep his scoring record going and Fowler to thump one in against SFC!!

Round 6 A-League match previews

Celeski out for 12 months is a real tradgedy for him and a blow for the team as they play much better with him in the middle. MV dint have the penetration in the final third and is was a poor performance overall. Jets came for a point and stole it…they has only a couple of chances in the whole game. Ground surface was poor and lets hope that improves in the next couple of weeks.
Personally l would let Allsop go (if he wants) and look for a new striker (Dukes where are you??).
MV will make the finals but it will be a struggle…winning the Premiership from 5th place will be sweet 🙂

Talking points from the Victory, Jets draw



At least the TV ratings are up (4%) and so Foxsports are very happy! 🙂

Another story about football crowds
