The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined May 2009









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Yes but they will more likely be scheduled in the summer months and school holidays. 6 games per round next season but there will be several midweek rounds (just one this season) and these will be in December/Jan/Feb. l would predict 1-2 games Friday nights, 2-3 games Sat evening/night and 2-3 games Sunday afternoon/twilight. There will be a few Thursday/Monday night games but mostly early on in the season IMO to avoid AFL/NRL clashes.

FFA needs to reconsider expansion plans for 2010/11

Expect the crowd tomorrow night to be similar to the first 2 games…certainly will be different next season with the new stadium as there will be no need to play Thursday nightsfor a start and hopefully many of the fan/ground management issues will no longer exist. The game will be played in an appropriate rectangular stadium and that will also make a big difference. No excuses for 18,000 crowds next season.

FFA needs to reconsider expansion plans for 2010/11

FFAhave structured the early season draw to avoid clashes with AFL/NRL games as much as possible…hence MV have 2 of their first 3 home games midweek Thursday night which apart from bein a school night is also a training night for the vast majority of Juniors and Senior clubs. That coupled with virtually no media means the attendances are lower than they will be later on in the season…MV have more signed members than attended their last home game (nearly 19,000 members).

FFA needs to reconsider expansion plans for 2010/11

Well said Robbos…keep up the good work!!

FFA needs to reconsider expansion plans for 2010/11

Thanks for the mention KB…you’re not too bad even for a Chelski/GCU/SFC supporter!!!

FFA needs to reconsider expansion plans for 2010/11

HAL started earlier and will learn lessons from scheduling mistakes this time around. More people have attended games this year so far than last and whilst Newcastle and Brisbane crowds have been poor the others have been ok and will grow as the season progresses. The standard of play is better and more players of quality are returning to play here.
Expansion to 12 is necessary and then take a break from expansion to see how the league is travelling.
HAL has followed the same path as J League and MLS in terms of attendances and both those leagues are doing very well now. Football has some very wealthy and influential people backing it and will continue to grow…look at the year ahead;
MV to move into a new stadium with their memberships approaching 19,000, 2nd highest ever and will grow again next season
A game in Melbourne every week next season
Likelihood of more Socceroos coming back to play in Oz next year after the WC
WC and the lead up to it to give even more exposure to the game
Over 250 full time professional footballers during 2010 plus over 100 NYL players
Extra Sydenee team based in the biggest football area in the country

Yes challenging times ahead but given the rocky past the game has endured in Oz l know how much stronger the game is now compared to just 5 years ago.
Dont worry about the doomsayers HAL you are doing just fine and need to continue measured growth.

FFA needs to reconsider expansion plans for 2010/11

AFL guy trashtalking about another code’s national team…OMG! Is he unAustralian or what?

Brisbane Lions to outdraw Wallabies, says Voss

Havent been paying attention to any of the recent goings on in Melbourne have we? ie street violence, gangs of youth coming to the city with specific intention of bashing someone, anyone they feel like…they bash them senseless, stab them etc. Massive problem in Melbourne plus the violence of the club areas at night. Not a glowing tribute of this city…get off your high horse.
Violence, organised or otherwise, is a major problem world wide and Oz aint immune to it.

West Ham vs Millwall, an insiders story

Another drama filled game and Fowler was very influential…involved in many of the excellent attacking moves from Fury. They have acquitted themselves very well in all but one game. Hopefully they can get some points at home to get their season up and running.

Fury claim first A-League point in 3-3 draw

Thanks for the eye witness accounts…certainly makes for interesting, if a little uncomfortable, reading.
The 2 mistake made by the authorities, and l doubt it will be allowed to happen again (particularly with WC decision coming up), was to allow an evening kick off and allow non season ticket holders/members to attend.
In future such games should have a morning kick off (yes even midweek as all Carling Cup games are played midweek except the final) and only STH/members allowed to buy tickets with no tickets on sale on the day of the game.
Games such as Cardiff v Swansea, Birmingham v Villa, Man U v Liverpool all have morning or noon kick off times. If midweek early KO not possible then hold the game over to a weekend and KO at 11.30 Sunday morning. The only other solution would be to ban any away fans ie allow only STH/members from the home team.
Nothing will stop the hardcore nutters from causing some bovva but reducing the potential numbers involved is a start.

West Ham vs Millwall, an insiders story

Many of the Hooligans dont drink as it affects their fighting ability. Early kick offs are one of the major weapons the authorities have to reduce the prospect of violence. Cardiff v Swansea kicked off around 11.30am last season from memory. Wont stop all the problems but certainly works in reducing any major trouble.

Stop the Hammertime in the Carling Cup

Blaming the FA is pointless as the Football League (different body) administer the Carling (League) Cup.

Seems fair to say those involved in the trouble have minimal interest in the game rather just interested in creating some ‘bovva’. These are the same thugs that would cause trouble, albeit in much smaller numbers, on weekends throughout nightclub zones etc around London. Unfortunately the football game was a conduit to linking all the different groups together for one big bash.
Perhaps such fixtures in the future may be required to KO around midday or ealier as happens with other fixtures that have a volatile history.

Stop the Hammertime in the Carling Cup

Euro snob…obviously MV v BR wasnt one of the 4, nor NQ v SFC, nor GCU v NQ, nor BR v GCU, nor AU v GCU which were all excellent games for different reasons.

Socceroos hold pay tv records and rated through the roof during WC 2006. As part of the bargaining process FFA should ensure Socceroos rights are tied to a FTA component for HAL which may be a highlights show and 1 x match of the round. One HD seems the perfect fit at this stage.

Is the A-League product good enough for free to air?

Well said Mick!!

Having a football team in Townsville is crazy

2008 vs MV last round of H & A 2-2 draw.

The code war exists, but it won't be a battle to the death

A little off topic but l notice EPL has moved from Pay TV back to FTA in China.

Back to topic there is little doubt that to continue growing HAL needs some FTA component. As stated in other posts a 30 or 60 mins highlights show would be ideal coupled with a match of the round game possibly Friday nights. The remaining games on pay TV. The semi finals and GF would be on FTA as they are great drama. It would be a test the waters scenario initially and make adjustments as needed to the schedule. By this time MV will be playing in their new stadium with crowds of 25-30,000 looking and sounding great on TV.
The Socceroos are the big carrot and need to be tied to the TV deal for at least the next deal. Socceroos draw record audiences on pay TV and FTA alike.
The other point worth mentioning is the possibility of Oz having the 2018/2022 WC here. With the boost to football from that any tv deal will need to add an extra 0 or 00.

Waiting for the democratisation of Australian Football

Interesting. Thanks Dave. Also recall the AFL crowds on the GC were very small when the Bears were playing at Carrara…4-5,000 often There is plenty of time for GCU to start building a support base. Clive Palmer seems to be in for the long haul.

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

l warn you Luke l have tipping form…last time l looked l’m 15th out of 148 for the Roar HAL Tipping contest!!

As you well know ManU allow other teams to have a sense of power by being on top when it dont matter. Watch out for the Red Devils from about November on. By March we will be top again.
MV to go back to back and man U to go 4 in a row 🙂

The code war exists, but it won't be a battle to the death

Perth v MV looks to be a ripper…MV need to put together a good run of results after the sluggish start…PG also cannot afford a disappointing result and they now have some momentum. MVs results in Perth lately have been poor. Perhaps over 12,000 (if the weather is fine) at ME stadium. Hoping MV can get at least a draw which will be a big improvement on last year.

The Newcastle (father) vs GCU (son) has some real intrique and will be interesting to see who in the family comes out on top…a draw me thinks

Essendon to flog those whinging Hawks and make the finals!

Finally ManU to give those moaning Gooners a footballing lesson.

The code war exists, but it won't be a battle to the death

Err thats 30,000 more people attending than last year full stop. Good for the code…people now have the opportunity to watch live ALeague games in areas they previously couldnt. How have NQ crowds been horrendus? On per capita basis they are matching the other teams. There is work to do… yes. Its an area that never previously had a football team. GCU will also draw bigger crowds as the season progresses. How many years did it take to get Rugby League team right? Noticed the stadium was only half full for the Titans last game and they are in the finals.
More teams mean more people watching, more media mentions, more pro players etc etc

Fos concludes that the AFL is weak

Agreed Midfield general…gotta have characters in the game. GCU look a pretty decent team and already looking forward to MVs games against them especially in Melbourne. If Miron keeps up his trash talk and MV are doing well could get 40,000 for that game…would luv it…just luv it!

I've been used, claims angry Bleiberg

Greecewere given no hope when Euro 2004 started and guess what?
Turkey and South Korea both reached the semis, against all odds, in 2002 WC…
Croatia reached the semis in France 1998…
Sweden the semis in USA 1994…

The Socceroos are very long odds to win SA 2010 but…they can surely cause some upsets and with luck and their best 11 on the park can reach the 1/4 finals. Once in the knockout stage anything can happen as it all comes down to conditions on the day.

The fact that the question can now be asked is a measure of the improvement of football in Oz. We are now ranked 16th in FIFA world rankings…unprecedented! As some politician in the US has stated in recent times…YES WE CAN!!!

Can the Socceroos win the World Cup?

” you mean to tell me that the Football WC is bigger than the Rugby League WC?

What a revelation!!”

Yeah about as relevant as your trolling on a blog about the quality of football on offer in HAL!

Positive reactions as the quality amps up

Some involve a little more than others…

When Canada and New Zealand were Australia's equals

Perhaps their parents want the kids to play a game involving skill and of course the kids find it a fun game.

When Canada and New Zealand were Australia's equals
