The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined June 2011









Can you call it a sacking when it was his contract that was not renewed?

I’m not sure if there is enough cut and thrust in maintaining a list rather than building it for sos. Can you imagine him doing a Richmond at trade and draft time? Regardless of the circumstances of his exit, I think the next few years would have seen him leave anyway.

I think he has shown a masterclass in list build when you don’t have much collateral , not sure if all the players will work out but his singlemindedness to get the opportunity to make those picks has been outstanding.

Sacked SOS will watch the success he set up at Carlton from afar

The one mistake(ish) that was made is putting most eggs in the papley basket. We could have got Butler for a late pick and that would have built depth, but other than that I would say it was a holding pattern trading period.

If you look at the players that were available there is not much out there that fits the Carlton List build and we missed out on. Maybe wines but even with him we don’t need more slow inside mids at top prices.

Stephen Silvagni has failed Carlton
