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Joined May 2019









Pablo_eire hasn't published any posts yet

We’ve had years of practice at living with loses .. water off a ducks back. And while it’s disappointing, we lost against New Zealand, and that was always highly likely as they are a great team, and most Irish people unless they are deluded knew that.

It seems to be you didn’t take the loss in NZ very well and even now you’re bitter about it, and lashing out at some imaginary “arrogance” . Not sure what cesspools you hang around in, whereby you feel Irish fans were giving crap to kiwis, but have you ever thought not to tar the majority by the actions of a few … Same as I’ll not judge most NZ fans by your carry on. Most just appreciated a great game of rugby and were delighted with the result, without wanting to “return serve”. Anyway good luck for the rest of the tournament.

Good, the Bad, the Eddie: Bok hails AB for 'best display I've ever seen', Kolbe confounds, 'classless' Rieko claim

You seem to have worked some imaginary scenario into your head and are now all bent out of shape over it. Sad that you can’t just enjoy the win.

Good, the Bad, the Eddie: Bok hails AB for 'best display I've ever seen', Kolbe confounds, 'classless' Rieko claim

Fairly sure Farrell mentioned the opposition when he said -“congratulations to New Zealand, I thought they played a wonderful game”.

37 phases and OUT! Whitelock the hero as All Blacks win epic RWC QF to break Ireland's hearts again

Ah that old chestnut… They have walked around the ground after every game, including against the minnows Romania, to thank the fans that have turned up in the tens of thousands. It’s got nothing to do with celebrating before the job is done and everything to do with appreciating the unique atmosphere Irish fans bring to the occasion.

WORLD VIEW: ABs pluck 'astonishing win from depth of their souls' while Irish face 'four more years of choking jokes'

Nah, the fans are turning every game into a home game with amazing support and it’s growing each game. The stadium keeps playing the Irish tunes and the fans are staying after the whistle for the sing song. All the team are doing is making a little effort to walk around the ground and thank them. Nothing more to it than that.

17 STRAIGHT! Ireland smash Scotland to set up quarter-final vs All Blacks, sweat on Aussie Mack

Agree the rule is nonsense, it’s too harsh a penalty. I’m happy another player didn’t go off even if it was in the rules, as it would have devalued the win for Ireland.

ANALYSIS: Forget the chaos, Ireland had the All Blacks' measure anyway

Here you go –

ANALYSIS: Forget the chaos, Ireland had the All Blacks' measure anyway

Yeh but because foul play caused the uncontested scrums NZ should have been down to 12 until the sin bin was over then 13 for the rest of the match

ANALYSIS: Forget the chaos, Ireland had the All Blacks' measure anyway

Yeh the ref just applied the rules … Mostly. When NZ went to uncontested scrums they should have had to take a further player off as punishment – that didn’t happen. And throw in the penalty try you mentioned and it’s clear the ref actually did them some big favours

'Inspirational' Sexton leads Ireland to series-levelling win as All Blacks lose the plot in Dunedin

Ref cost you the game did he ????. Thankfully most AB supporters aren’t as one eyed. And I’d stay away from fireworks if I was you, never mind that rocket science stuff

'Inspirational' Sexton leads Ireland to series-levelling win as All Blacks lose the plot in Dunedin

I’m guessing you were one of those people a few weeks ago saying it was just a flu? You clearly have no idea of the problem if you think we’d be better off not taking precautionary action … not a clue.

Lay off Cameron Smith

elvis – I’m not sure you know much about Gandhi. He was never tolerant of what he thought were injustices.

“where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence” …. Mahatma Gandhi

Israel Folau and the governing bodies who are powerless to govern

Well Jacko, maybe they should stand up and protest those things. god forbid, you might even be setting better standards for the next generations of footballers … wouldn’t that be terrible.

Israel Folau and the governing bodies who are powerless to govern

@Ralph – “I own companies I don’t fire people over their private views on things.
I don’t even monitor it, how is their private life and opinions my business?”
……… Don’t you mean, you don’t fire people until their private views are something you strongly disagree with? Let’s say you find out employee John Doe is a little on the sick side when it comes to the young age of the girls he fancies. Never convicted of anything but loves to head over to Asia to get his jollies … Are we still sticking with the – that’s his private business line ????

The last column about Israel Folau ever, I promise

Not sure where this “Irish fans are cocky” has come from. Reading this article most of the comments are agreeing with the kiwi commentators that they don’t have much chance.

Rugby World Cup quarter-finals expert tips: End the desperation

That’s the problem with reading gutter press like the Sun and then using it to form opinons. Rubbish in rubbish out.

Rugby World Cup quarter-finals expert tips: End the desperation

Japan were awesome, but I thought they were certainly aided by the constraints the ref put on the Irish team, while ignoring their infringements. Because it’s Japan there is a romantic side to their win and it’s difficult to mention the ref without sounding like a whinger. Against an other tier 1 team the refs bias would be called out a lot more. But that’s not Japans fault, they were brilliant.

Brave Blossom boilover: Japan stun Ireland at RWC 2019

I’m very keen to hear Horton speak out against drug cheats in his own team. I’m not expecting it.

For me he’s taken a personal dislike of Sun and tried to make out like it was some honourable crusade against drug cheats … The next few days will show how legit he was, or if he’s just a hypocrite

Aussie swimmer fails doping test: report

@Kashmir. Indeed i forgot the word “not” .. have edited to reflect that, thank you for bringing that to my attention. I guess the question would be – was this idiotic analogy included as part of an employment contract or code of conduct that one was previously warned about and agreed to not repeat? This isn’t some innocuous thing he was sacked for is it – so you are right on one thing, there are limits on what is a justifiable sacking, and IF crossed them. And as for respect, is this the same kind of respect that preaches that gays are going to hell unless they repent?

Why I donated to Israel Folau - and why I will again

@Kashmir .. when your analogies include being sacked for refusing to not put sugar in your tea … I do 100% agree with your statement that you are “struggling to understand”

Why I donated to Israel Folau - and why I will again

Ah here – how can anyone argue with this kind of logic. Contact Maurice & Blackburn, i think you’re a genius and are onto a goldmine.

GoFundMe removes Israel Folau's fundraiser over terms of service breach

@Jack …. who’s this saviour – is it Krishna, Allah, Buhhda, Odin, Elohim, Nirankar, Shiva, Jehovah, or is it Charlie my local butcher ?

GoFundMe removes Israel Folau's fundraiser over terms of service breach

@Offside – “how about you refute what Israel Folau said about those who will go to hell unless they repent” ………. its a bit like me stating unless you give me $50000000000 before you die you will spend the afterlife listening to Rick Astley on repeat for infinity … and then asking you to refute that. Seriously, does religion obliterate all levels of common sense?

Folau hoping to crowd-fund legal case against Rugby Australia

“The Law and truth don’t mix well with religions.” …….. and praise be to the lord for that

BREAKING: Israel Folau takes legal action against Rugby Australia

its not just heaven or hell there is a third middle option, so saying you not going to heaven does not mean your going to hell …. unless of coarse you want to represent your own personal beliefs

BREAKING: Israel Folau takes legal action against Rugby Australia
