The Roar
The Roar


Roar Guru

Joined May 2011







Each heart knows its own pain and even in laughter the heart may ache.



I believe you are confusing context with logical construct.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

And in any event the whole legal side might have been driven by an insurance provider.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

I am surprised that real batman would let that slide .. 😂

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

To disprove an absolute statement just requires one exception, which I supplied.

Whether it fits your list of possible scenarios or not is not relevant to the disproof.

Rugby Australia CEO on Folau: 'We didn't get it wrong'

That’s true in an absolute sense. Freedom always has two faces, freedom TO and freedom FROM. My right to be free to use an axe on people must be curtailed by your right not to be attacked by axe wielding maniacs.

But nothing Folau said caused any direct or provable harm to anyone, nor curtailed anybody else’s rights.

Removing freedom just because you don’t agree with someone can quickly become the tyranny of the majority or the start of fascism (using a classic definition of fascism of ‘dictating ones morality on others with force’).

Folau’s hypocrisy has become embarrassing

Except my reply was to Paul who implied that because they had jobs then it was not possible they were discriminated against (or a proof against it). Which is, as pointed out, an overly narrow definition of what constitutes discrimination.

It was not a comment on the case to date.

Rugby Australia CEO on Folau: 'We didn't get it wrong'

Freedom of expression means free to express any way you choose without fear and/or threat of consequences.

Anything less is not free at all.

Folau’s hypocrisy has become embarrassing

“You’ve just told every LGBT+ individual that they don’t matter as much as “religious beliefs”.”
Rubbish. They settled an employment dispute. They are not a morality weapon for your benefit.

“If your beliefs are bigoted; they do not belong in society”
If you don’t defend free speech you don’t deserve the benefit of it.

“Believe in whatever fairytale you want to”
I will defend your right to your fairy tale.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Loss of employment is not the only form of discrimination in the world, as any women who has been sexually harassed in the workplace can tell you.

Rugby Australia CEO on Folau: 'We didn't get it wrong'

The knife fight has already begun – so I advise him to bring a gun.

What does Dave Rennie bring to the Wallabies?

Good thoughts there PeterK.

Don't go changing rugby union's laws

I would like them to stop people crawling with the ball whilst claiming ‘not held’.

But I get your drift Corne.

Don't go changing rugby union's laws

I think it was Steve Hanson who said the only player he had ever seen who could peak at the same high level week in and week out was Richie McCaw. And he still had bad games.

I don’t think it’s any disrespect to Mr Itoje that he didn’t peak twice in seven days. Almost all players and nations have stood in those shoes.

Three minutes when Maro Itoje failed to win the medal he wanted

In many respects, money is like cancer. There is every likelihood it will be sad to watch, like a train wreck in slow motion.

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

There was no offence taken, I was just making a point. Business people are not more dishonest than other people. You don’t have to be a business owner to want to ‘game’ a system or work the rules in your favour.

I suspect the ATO sees a similar pattern of oddities to yourself.

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

“the “I” is merely set up by conceptuality in dependence upon mind and body; it is not established by way of its own entity”

You shouldn’t believe your own thoughts Fionn. 😛

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

If they were buddhists then they could simply argue the breaches are part of the impermanent and uncertainty of life, and that this is just the type of suffering you must learn to accept. Through this path you can discover that that you yourself does not in fact exist, in fact, the closer you look for it, the more it is not found.

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

“owners didn’t get their wealth by playing by the rules”

As a business owner I would like to point out that business itself has very few real rules. Don’t break the law and pay your tax. Even then taxation rules across multiple countries are a total joke. The EU is suing Ireland for exercising its sovereign right to make its own tax laws, for example.

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

The players had no idea they were that wealthy.

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

Thanks Nick.

Although I have to say: “fined a colossal £5.36 million”

For a man who has already written off $48 million it is really that colossal – or is it just another cost of business already factored in by the group accountants?

Unless they are forced into a permanent restructure, I suspect it’s nothing more than a rap on very wealthy knuckles.

Fireworks on the fifth: What the Saracens crisis means for the global game

Ice cream in the oven?????

That’s crazy talk 😂

Rennie a good man as Wallabies coaching job becomes a seller’s market

Part of the solution is transfer fees.

Which imply central contracting right from the development days of players, perhaps even as far back as schools. Best thought of as a sort of tertiary educational loan that can be forgiven by the granting central contracting authority or paid back if you want to play elsewhere.

What's the point of rugby?

I think the statement that capitalism means greed and self interest is a little inaccurate.

If I were to shrink the capitalist ideal to its basics, I would suggest it is little more than the freedom to choose what I buy, when I buy it and who I buy it from and at a price both the seller and buyer are happy with.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Greed is quite something else and is a temptation to every human heart, regardless of their philosophy.

What's the point of rugby?

I won’t hear a bad word against central planning. It always works out swimmingly …..,
for the central planner.

What's the point of rugby?

It’s not unfortunate if the pudding is delicious.

Rennie a good man as Wallabies coaching job becomes a seller’s market
