The Roar
The Roar


John O'Neill Speaks to The Roar

Roar Guru
27th February, 2007

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We spoke to John O’Neill, a mentor for The Roar, exclusively this week. We asked him a few questions we think you’ll be interested to hear his view on:

1) Do you still want to be involved in rugby union at the ARU level ?
John O’Neill: Only if the appropriate opportunity was presented. Obviously, my affinity and affection for the game has not diminished and like many others, I would like rugby to grow and prosper. My personal concern is that there is a lack of direction, purpose and leadership at the ARU level. This has exhibited itself on and off the field, with levels of dysfunctionality we have not seen for many years (e.g. Connolly/Jones fiasco).

2) Can you explain why you pulled out of negotiations with the NSWRU for a place on the ARU board ?

John O’Neill: Too hard! There were too many uncertainties and hurdles. I didn’t want to be immersed in such an overt political process.

3) What do you see as the main problems facing Australian rugby and what would you do if you were in a position to exercise some power to solve the problems ?

John O’Neill: Lack of success on the field (i.e. win/loss ratio) and a trend for the game to be less than entertaining as a spectacle. Rugby, at this level, is in the entertainment business, up against other sports and other attractions. Our skill levels are not what they should be and in era where defence can and does dominate attack, we must develop the skills, the tactics and the style to overcome this. Mind you, the IRB as the custodians of the laws of the game should have moved earlier to (i) bring in changes in law to overcome the “mess” at the breakdown, and (ii) then had them in place in time for RWC 2003. I don’t think the ARU has enough clout at the IRB table. Also, the ARU needs to be more assertive and clear about its role and the things that matter, and those that don’t. There must be a common set of objectives for all of rugby.

4) Do you think Australia can win the RWC 2007 ?


John O’Neill: Unlikely! All Blacks (and NZ in general) are miles ahead of the rest of the world.

We’re interested to hear your thoughts…
