The Roar
The Roar


Would Billy Slater look good as a Carlton Blue?

Roar Guru
28th April, 2010
2015 Reads

Through an odd twist of fate, I found myself chatting with former Carlton coach David Parkin on Saturday night and appropriately the conversation turned to the Storm and the fall-out from the saga. Parkin believed that Storm coach Craig Bellamy would have been unaware of the tactics being used to secure the talent.

He cited his own experience, where he was only once ever told what a player was being paid (and he then told the board he thought the player was being vastly overpaid).

The former flag winning coach did believe that if Carlton (or any AFL club) were to look to benefit from the upheaval of the Storm’s playing roster, then Billy Slater would be the man to target.

Having seen the Storm players up close, as they share the same training facilities, Parkin heaped praise on Slater for his athletic ability and the way he performed in the Storm’s mock AFL match against Carlton.

“He can run, jump, kick off both feet, he is certainly an elite athlete,” Parkin said.

The question would be whether a Melbourne based club would want to spend serious money enticing a code switch when they need less of the publicity than an AFL team in New South Wales or Queensland?

You also wonder how much loyalty any of the Storm players feel towards the NRL after being told by the game’s governing body that they’ll be playing this season for nothing.
