The Roar
The Roar


AFL growth in the US - will it continue?

Roar Guru
11th April, 2008
1462 Reads

The 2008 US footy nationals is billed as the biggest AFL tournament in the world. Does this now signify that footy in the US is on the verge (as a minor sport, don’t get me wrong)?

The announcement of the tournament’ on the USFooty website includes the following quote: “The event is the biggest Australian Football tournament in the world, and will attract 1,000 American / Australian players, officials and coaching staff, with a total of 32 men’s teams spread across four divisions, as well as up to 6 women’s teams. The tourney in Colorado Springs will also feature a national netball event in conjunction with the football championships.”

At what point do we figure that footy in the US has evolved, grown – whatever – into a self sustaining entity?

There are juniors. There are womens. There’s even some collegiate.

The AFL has thus far been pretty well at arms length. Which perhaps has been the secret to this (level of) success so far. However, last year, new AFL ambassador Kevin Sheedy visited both the US and Canada – a visit that included he and the Canadian Northwind opening the Canadian Stock exchange one morning.

Sheedy has spoken glowingly about the improving standard of play and has promoted this year’s International Cup like no one has previously. (Is all this for the year 2008 only, or is this the winds of change blowing in?)

Crystal ball time.

With enthusiastic pockets of footy in Canada, including juniors, just where do we envisage North American footy within 10 years? Will growth continue or has footy peaked in the US?
