The Roar
The Roar


Masters Games hopes to cash in on Beijing

25th August, 2008

The Sydney 2009 World Masters Games is looking to cash in on the interest generated from the Olympics to get would-be sportsmen and women off the lounge and onto the playing field.

The Games body recently commissioned an independent online survey of 1,000 Australians aged 35 and over about their interest in sport.

The survey found that more men (45 per cent) than women (21 per cent) admitted they had dreamt of competing at a major international sports event.

It also found that 57 per cent of respondents had played regular organised sport past the age of 25 with half of those who hadn’t played since then saying either age or ability were the reasons for their inactivity.

“It’s a case of goodbye Beijing, hello Sydney for 35-plus Australians,” said Margy Osmond, chair of Sydney 2009 World Masters Games which run from October 10-18 next year.

“You don’t have to be a young, elite athlete to have an Olympic-style experience.

“The Sydney 2009 World Masters Games are open to mature-age people of all abilities so we’re calling on Australians flush with Olympic spirit to get out there and have a go.”

Anyone can compete in the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games provided they satisfy their sport’s minimum age, which is 35 or lower for all of the 28 sports.


A Brisbane great grandmother who’ll be 100 come Games time has registered for five field events in athletics.
