The Roar
The Roar


The strongest and fastest on the same rugby team?

Roar Guru
9th July, 2009
3497 Reads

A friend suggested a fun topic for The Roar: pick two guys who played on the same Test team, one of whom was extremely strong and the other extremely fast.

For example, Martin Johnson and Rory Underwood played on the same Test team, and Johnno sure was strong and Rory was a rocket.

I think it’s an interesting challenge.

There are a whole raft of possible combinations of the quick and the strong, and the following occurred to me:

* For France, Olivier Merle and Philippe Bernat-Salle.

Olivier was a giant lumberjack, so big he looked ridiculous in rugby shorts. Bernat-Salle was a grass-scorcher who tortured the All Blacks and the Wallabies, among others.

* Staying with France, Robert Paparemborde and Patrick Esteve.

Paparemborde, the prop, had biceps the size of his thighs, and Esteve, playing outside of the great Sella, would leave everybody in his dust.


* For the Boks, the young Os du Randt and Chester Williams.

* For the Scots, Iain Milne and Roger Baird.

So let’s have your personal choice for these four countries, and your choice for Ireland, Wales, the All Blacks and the Wallabies.

And remember, your players have to have played on the same team.
