The Roar
The Roar


An open letter to the ARU

Roar Guru
22nd September, 2009
Roar Guru
22nd September, 2009
2455 Reads

To whom it may concern, I have been a loyal supporter of the Wallabies since I was ten years old. Through good times and bad, I have supported the men chosen to represent this great nation.

‘I have always been of the opinion that they embody what it is to be Australian. They were tough, uncompromising and never took a backward step. They were quick thinking playmakers who managed to beat fancied opponents with their brains as much as their brawn.

Most importantly, they were proud men who never yielded, never gave up, and just accepted defeat.

That was until 19th of September 2009.

That was the most gutless display by an Australian rugby team (they do not deserve to be called Wallabies) that I can remember. The very nature of it, essentially kneeling before the All Blacks and conceding, was painful to watch.

Now I read that senior players want $2,500 in order to play in a Probables Vs Possibles match. Please tell me this is not true. Please tell me that players that I have admired for so long, having just given up against the All Blacks, do not want to be paid to be given the chance of redemption in the Autumn tours.

Please tell me that they are made of greater stuff.

If this is true, I ask you not to cancel the game but to hold it anyway. Send invites to all players you deem good enough and let them know there will be no payment.


If they do not play, they do not tour.

At least then, I, and other Wallaby supporters, will know that the players who go to the UK and Ireland are there because they want to be. They want to represent us with honour.

They may not win, they may get flogged, but I will know that they are feeling every bit as bad as I am if they do.

Most importantly, they will not yield, they will not give in and they will be Australian Wallabies’.
