The Roar
The Roar


How strong is Sydney's sporting pulse?

Mad Mex new author
Roar Rookie
20th January, 2010
Mad Mex new author
Roar Rookie
20th January, 2010
2613 Reads

I preface what I am about to write with the fact that I am a Victorian who has resided in Sydney for the last four years.

Brought up on a staple diet of Aussie rules in the Winter and Aussie Rules off season developments in the summer, with a sizable sprinkling of the cricket, Australian Open, and the Spring Racing Carnival thrown in, I considered myself extremely fortunate.

Moving to Sydney resulted in me sacrificing my greatest love – going to see the blue and white hoops of the Geelong football club running around each weekend.

I downsized my sizable membership package (about $300) and went for the economical (and sensible according to my Sydney born wife) alternative – the interstate membership (~$110) and ensured I had Foxtel to get my AFL fix.

In the interim, I also learned that there was a distinct difference to the rugby codes that we Victorians referred to collectively as rugby.

As I had made the move to Sydney, I thought it apt that I attempt to immerse myself in the local sporting culture and support these two “foreign” games.

I was, however, shocked to tune into Friday night footy (league) and see the stadiums half empty (or in the case of ANZ stadium), 1/6 full.

I was also horrified to learn that membership numbers for NRL clubs were abysmally low compared to AFL clubs. Upon asking why this was so, a friend of mine (whom is the Membership Manager of an NRL club and a fellow Mexican) informed me that league is a better game for TV and that others had informed him that there was much more to do in Sydney than attend football matches on the weekend.


As time passed, I noticed rugby crowds for the Waratahs were falling, after apparently having been strong previously. I was informed that the game was being over officialed and this was leading to “boring” rugby and fans were voting with their feet.

I am not looking to turn this piece into a code war. I am merely trying to better understand what indeed the sporting psyche of Sydney is.

I enjoy both league (particularly SOO) and union, and am still, after four years, baffled as to why attendances and membership figures are as small as they are.

Through my Sydney based friends and work colleagues, I understand that these small figures are not due to a lack of interest or support of these codes.

Indeed TV ratings, particularly of league, are incredibly strong. But I just don’t fully understand as to why people won’t attend a game or sign up as a member of their team.

Is it the geography of the sporting precinct? Is it financial? Or is it because Sydneysiders have more to do with their weekends than attend sporting fixtures?
