The Roar
The Roar


Rules are rules, so just deal with them

Roar Guru
22nd April, 2010
2221 Reads

Melbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy overseeas a training session in Melbourne. AAP Image/Julian Smith

We all know that Brian Waldron was the architect of the biggest story in Rugby League’s 102 year history. However, I feel the media has been too one sided and hasn’t put enough responsibility on the players, coaches and current management.

Are we seriously going to believe that it is one man’s burden to bear?

The 22nd of April 2010 will forever be remembered as one of the darkest days in Rugby League’s proud history. The Melbourne Storm have created a dynasty over the past five years, which included two premierships and three minor premierships.

No one will disagree that the Storm were the form team of this year’s competition.

There is much more to this than the media are presenting. All we are hearing is Brian Waldron this, Brian Waldron that. As much as he is to blame, there are many other players in this operation.

You can’t be serious if you think that the meat of this team had no idea this was going on!

Super Coach Craig Bellamy, future Australian Captain Cameron Smith, and Australian all-stars Greg Inglis and Billy Slater all must bear some responsibility for the salary cap rort.


No wonder Bellamy didn’t leave the Storm in the past when rival clubs were after him.

Anyone today can pick up a newspaper and find out how much a star player like Cameron Smith is on. We all know they are not the sharpest tools in the shed, but are we really going to believe that with an unofficial 200k popped into his bank account, he didn’t put two and two together?

To think, Melbourne Rugby League was booming. Bigger crowds led to a new stadium being built. The Melbourne Storm won the Toyota Cup last season and is already doing really well this season, so they can’t complain about their juniors.

Everything was bright and rosy.

It seems the only people at a loss in this whole situation are the fans. I am a fan of the Bulldogs, I can relate to the pain they are feeling.

The fans of the Storm had so much to look forward to in the coming years. The question now is if they will even turn up to another game?

So what is in store for the rest of Melbourne’s season? Is there any reason for the likes of Billy Slater and Cameron Smith to continue with the rest of the year?


The only reason I can think of is if they still want to play for their State and Australia. Will they be selected?

I can’t see why not unless they boycott the rest of the season.

After the Salary Cap Scandal in 2002, Melbourne should have known that you will always get caught. This major story has opened up a new can of worms in the salary cap debate.

The only thing the NRL can do now is lift the cap or abolish it totally, which I don’t think is feasible.

The law is the law, deal with it.
