The Roar
The Roar


Poor coaching not players plague Wallabies

Roar Rookie
29th August, 2010
Roar Rookie
29th August, 2010
2176 Reads

The weekend’s defeat of the Wallabies by the Springboks saw another match that the Wallabies let slip. But, this time, don’t blame the players but blame the coach and the poor use of the bench for a game at high altitude.

Robbie, if you don’t trust your bench, pick other players!

Now, why do we have to persevere with Saia Fainga’a as the first choice hooker? He brings absolutely nothing – can’t throw, can’t scrum, did cost points for a high tackle. Stephen Moore, during his short presence, brought the go forward that was needed, and he can throw and scrum.

Robbie Deans, you’re losing the plot and that is sad because there is potential but you have to trust your more senior players.

Australia cannot win the World cup with some of the players that Deans entrusts with the game.

Without Sharpe, we have seen the total disarray the Australian line-out was in. Brown is not good enough at that level and, as soon as the team tires, it comes back to that stupid one pass and barge into the opposition in the tight. This game is so easy to defend.

And we need another captain. Sorry Rocky, you are an outstanding player (one of the few world class players in the Australian team) but you are not the right man for the job.

It is time to stop lamenting about another close one and to take the measures to avoid those constant disappointments. Robbie, it is up to you to do this.
