The Roar
The Roar


Sports Stars Tweets: Matt Rogers steals the show

Roar Guru
22nd October, 2010

Matt Rogers may have retired from rugby league, but he certainly hasn’t let up on his Tweeting. The former union and league star has been one of Australian sports’ most prolific users of Twitter over the past year, and his activity in the past week or so has been fittingly energetic.

In one particularly bombastic Tweet, Rogers gave it to a journalist interviewing golfer Adam Scott, who had the temerity to ask Scott about his relationship issues when the discussion at the time was about autistic children. Touchy! But then, that’s what Twitter’s all about. Venting your opinion.

Just ask Warnie!

Check out some of Matt Rogers’ recent Tweets here, and check into our Australian Sports Stars real time Twitter stream to get the inside word straight from the horse’s mouth.

# No I didn’t buy 1.. But man it looks good!! Haha.. Ni night about 2 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone

# Night all.. Late one tonight.. Best day with my princess Phoenix… So blessed.. The ol late night infomercials got ma again. Aero garden about 2 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone

# @Casey_Barnes I don’t know what to think when u watch people talking about someones life like they know everything. How’d the gig go? about 5 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone

# #FF @AndrewMBogut @BedeDurbidge83 @chloemaxwell @fatbellybella @JeffWhite34 @MELGADREAMS @PerryCrosss (inspiration) about 5 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone


# @jarrydhayne_1 couldn’t do it mate.. I hate those things.. Anything with no legs or more than 4 legs kills me!! about 5 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone

# Adam Scott Talking about giving to autistic children then that.. The bloke should be strung up!! Another time pal!! That makes me so angry!! about 5 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone

# Tiger doco stunk. Then flicked to ST to see Adam Scott getting interviewed about his FNDTN and the germ of a journo asks about his GF… about 5 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone
