The Roar
The Roar


Exempt PNG players from the Salary Cap

Roar Guru
31st October, 2010
3074 Reads

If the Four Nations has shown us anything just two weeks in, it’s that the Papua New Guinea Kumuls are no match when going up against professional Rugby League players.

What did the organisers expect?

Yes, the internal politics at headquarters kept some players out of this tournament, but seriously these scorelines were to be expected.

Sadly for a country where Rugby League means so much, Australian Rugby League have let our neighbours down terribly.

What scoreline would they expect if we put the Souths Logan Seagulls against the Kangaroos? Or the Windsor Wolves? Firstly if they scored two tries it would be a shock!

Amateur park players up against professional athletes is a mis-match in sport, and that is shown up more than ever in Rugby League.

The NRL or ARL or whatever the competition is going to be called once the Commission is in place, must for the credibility of international Rugby League make salary cap exemptions for PNG players.

Do we need proof?


Since the Les Catalans have been the in English Super League the French team is slowly getting better. Yes they aren’t a powerhourse of the game, but they are in a much better place than French Rugby League was 10 years ago.

The thousands of juniors in Papua New Guinea will see the path available to them with their local heroes playing in the NRL. If a club can afford three or four then it’s even better.

PNG isn’t ready for a NRL team, but we need to get their players in the NRL. Helping the game in a country where it’s number one should be a top priority.

This shouldn’t be the job of the Commission, but we know the International leaders will simply sit on their hands and do nothing.
