The Roar
The Roar


What exactly is it that makes Greg Inglis happy?

Roar Guru
9th November, 2010
2397 Reads
Australian Greg Inglis leaves a English defenders in his wake.4. AAP Image/Julian Smith

Greg Inglis says he has to do what makes him happy, but what that is remains a complete mystery. We could just accept the move as another symbol of how rugby league has changed or we could try and figure out the motive behind the move.

It would be easy to sit there and say that seems fair enough. Well done, Greg. Make the move to Sydney and join the gladiator gang.

Pull on that famous jersey and help South Sydney win a long, long, long overdue premiership. That would be great for rugby league – would it not?

We only live once and life is too short to be spent unhappy.

If this is the reaction we’re meant to have, then why does the decision made by Inglis to leave Brisbane in the lurch tweak at the conscience? It could be the fact that rugby league fans, including this one, are more in the dark than ever before about what exactly makes Inglis happy.

The Melbourne Storm were of the understanding that their star was moving north because he wanted to be with his fiancé Sally Robinson, who was now going to be working in Brisbane.

He was only granted a release on compassionate grounds, but it seems that is no longer a factor.


In previous conversations with Storm CEO Ron Gauci he told me that the club had two plans in the wake of the salary cap scandal. One involved Inglis staying at the club and the other did not.

Inglis chose to leave and now the Storm have pushed ahead with plan B.

They’re at a slight disadvantage in this because I would be stunned if they could go back to plan A and once again fit Inglis in their salary cap.

So, he has to go somewhere and that somewhere looks like being South Sydney, and any deal has to happen soon.

The Storm can definitely make life difficult for his future employers by demanding they include a six-figure legal bill in their salary cap for the up-coming season.

It’s hard to see them budging on that and you can’t really blame them can you?

Gauci is doing his best to repair the damage done by those who went before him.


The damage was immense and he needs to maintain his hard line stance for the good of his club.

So is it Sydney that makes him happy?

He previously said he didn’t want to live in the harbour city, but his manager Allan Gainey told one Sunday newspaper that a recent visit to Sydney had changed his mind.

What about the fact that a Queensland State of Origin hero has turned his back on the pride of the state? That surely won’t sit well with those who see the world in different shades of maroon.

Is it appreciation that he craves?

Probably not, although the theory was raised during the past 7-days that we should all just be grateful that Inglis has stayed in rugby league and not chased the riches on offer playing rugby union in France.

Would that make him happy?


It’s doubtful, but who knows.

Are you confused yet? I know I am. Imagine how the Broncos feel!

I bet South Sydney are just as confused, but they’re extremely grateful that whatever seems to make Greg Inglis happy is found at Redfern.

I just hope they have a pen and a contract waiting, because as Brisbane found out, a handshake just won’t cut it in 2010.

You can follow luke on twitter @luke_doherty and on Sky News Australia.
