The Roar
The Roar


Rugby's point system not the problem

Roar Rookie
8th March, 2011
1305 Reads

I’m sick and tired of reading people asking for a overhaul of the rugby union point system, just because a team wins scoring less tries. Following the Reds win in Canberra there have been numerous people calling for a change.

Let me tell you right now, plain and simply, the point system currently in place is not the problem. The problem is lack of discipline from players and referees.

The point scoring isn’t what needs an overhaul. It’s how to stop all these infringements. Quite simply: more cards.

Players infringe because they know they can get away with it and if caught they get a warning and a slap on the wrist. You will see the same player penalised up to three, even four times a game for the same professional foul.

In a game such as football that would be the equivalent of four yellow cards (two red cards). I think a player would think twice about pulling a scrum half into the ruck knowing a yellow card is the penalty. Professional fouls go unpunished too much in rugby.

A deliberate act should be a yellow card. Simple. By all means if you can get away with it, give it a shot. But the message must be sent to players: if you get caught, you’re in for a 10 minute breather on the sideline.

Only then will we see players stop intentionally law breaking. When this happens you have less penalties, less shots at goal and most importantly it will lead to a more attacking game.

Referees need to have the guts (or given the license) to show more yellow cards for deliberate acts. Don’t give each player a warning. After two penalties, give the whole team a warning and then brandish them at will. You may see an influx in yellow cards for a few weeks and people will say, “It’s ruining the game!” Well no.


It’s the players who are ruining the game.

When they grow a brain and realise you can’t get away with it anymore, they may just stop breaking the rules.
