The Roar
The Roar


What if rugby had a shot clock?

Roar Rookie
7th May, 2011
1478 Reads

Recently we had a series of articles about the trial of a union-league hybrid. I am not trying to start a debate on that, but I was intrigued by the idea of a 60-second ‘shot clock’ from one of the articles that was largely glossed over.

I’m not suggesting this would make rugby better, more so, I wonder what such a game would be like.

I see it as something like this: current rugby rules all apply but there is a 60-second shot clock, after which time, if the team with the ball gets tackled, it’s a hand over (short arm probably) to the other team.

What would we see?

Positive thoughts:

– Possession could be more evenly distributed between teams and thus may help in not having blown-out scores between unmatched teams.

– Penalties may come down, as defences are less likely to offend (particularly in own 22) as they only have to defend against the barrage for a foreseeable amount of time.

– Less time-chewing by halfbacks at the back of rucks by the team in the lead.


– Attacks may also be more focused as they have a limited time and know that quick ball is required.

– Less meaningless plays of one-metre gains etc.

Negative thoughts:

– The whole possession issue and what would ‘restart’ the clock, particularly in situations around messy rucks.

– Defences may be even less willing to engage in the ruck (although I don’t know if Australian teams in defence can engage less than the current zero players) and thus present an even more formidable wall of tacklers, which hurts attack.

– Difficulty in implementing such a system. A near-impossibility in lower grades.

– Would everything survive and still look like rugby? Would mauls still survive (they’re having a hard enough time surviving the vendetta against them by certain people)? Would the wrestle survive? Would teams of a strong forward pack but lacking in the backs still have strategies open to them?


Hope to hear your thoughts!
