The Roar
The Roar


A 20 million dollar cash injection for grassroots football

Roar Guru
8th April, 2013
1210 Reads

The FFA, Fox Sports, and Telstra have combined to inject an excess of 20 million dollars into grassroots football around Australia as part of a four year commitment to growing its popularity with young kids.

It was also a perfect PR moment for those involved, with the CEOs of the respective parties present, as well as News Limited chairman Rupert Murdoch.

Foxtel CEO Richard Freudenstein said the company had “an important role to play inspiring a new generation of football fans and players”.

The first use of this money will be for the Foxtel All-Stars Ambition Program, fronted by Tim Cahill.

It will offer 30 girls and boys between the ages of 10 and 15 a “week-long intensive experience for young future potential superstars of the game”.

FFA Chief Executive David Gallop said: “Today marks another big step forward for football in Australia.” The funding is part a long-term answer to the Socceroos woes, and also raises the profile of football higher in general.

Details of how the money will be divvied out will be released in the coming days, which will be watched closely.

It’s easy for the big bosses to throw money at “grassroots”, and then have most of the money go to waste. You only have to look at each time the government announces they are putting money into hospitals, to little noticeable effect.


If the cash is used to its full potential, it could be a boon to football. The All Stars program is a nice start, but it must be ensured that the money flows all the way down to regional clubs.

Under Ben Buckly I would’ve had plenty of reservations, but I believe David Gallop is just the man to lead football in this nation, and his handling of these grants will be no different.

Coupled with the recently announced $160m TV rights deal, these are exciting times for football in Australia.
