The Roar
The Roar


Barba brings Broncos' sexy back

Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs rugby league player Ben Barba and Ainslie Currie arrive for the Dally M awards in Sydney, September 4, 2012. (Image: AAP/Paul Miller)
28th August, 2013
3119 Reads

Roll out the red carpet, light the fireworks and cut that birthday cake, because the high-flying, razzle-dazzle, excitement machine Broncos are back, baby!

Yes, after what has seemed an absolute age in the premiership wilderness (rumours are they were thinking about changing their name to the Bears it had been so long between grand finals), Brisbane have finally managed to go out and nab themselves a genuine superlative star in Ben Barba.

Even better than being assured a spot in September 2014 thanks to Barba’s epic skills is the fact that, with the signing of the former Bulldog, the Broncos have gone and reclaimed their God-given right as the sexiest side in rugby league.

You know it’s true. Since inception the Broncos’ existence in the top flight of footy has been a bit like a bemused Don Draper’s presence at your slovenly Friday night pizza and ‘FIFA’ parties.

Whether they were rocking packed stadiums, futuristic diamond jerseys or their own breakaway competition, the Broncos were just the coolest.

And then somewhere along the line they became the ‘Broncs’, and somehow became even cooler.

But then, like the day you were suddenly ostracised at uni for using a floppy disk, something happened.

When Greg Inglis was supposed to come back to his home state (cough cough) from the Storm but changed his mind to instead sign with South Sydney, not only did Brisbane miss out on the most talented individual in the game but they also suffered an enormous blow to their street cred.


It was like the school Alpha male asking out the hottest girl in class, only for her to say ‘no thanks’ and go hook up with the arty hipster kid who played bass guitar.

No one knocked back the Broncos!

Realising that just beating Souths up behind the bike sheds or dakking them on assembly probably wasn’t going to have the desired results, Brisbane plugged away with the players at their disposable, all while their cool went the way of Nokia phones and ‘Kevin 07′ bumper stickers.

Sure they never bottomed out and went full Paul Carige or anything, but being middle of the pack was never going to be good enough for the game’s prize ponies.

While their resurgence on the field is yet to come, the signing of the sought after Barba (and links to other luminaries Anthony Milford and Daly Cherry-Evans), as well as a bit of pocket money from the pollies, is a sign Brisbane’s sexy stocks are back in black.

And this is a great thing. Obviously for the Broncos, but even Brian Smith and Barry Gallen would agree that the NRL is at its best when the Broncos are living it up in their ivory clubhouse, occasionally throwing down a ladder made out of $100 bills to nab a promising junior from the rest of the comp’s plebs.

It may sound a trifle unfair, but hey, if the Broncos are working overtime to bring their sexy back, won’t it just force every other NRL side to lift their act?
