The Roar
The Roar


Let's get paranoid: Why has Kurtley joined the Wallabies?

Steve Asher new author
Roar Rookie
14th November, 2014
Kurtley Beale could be headed off-shore. (AFP / Juan Mabromata)
Steve Asher new author
Roar Rookie
14th November, 2014
3222 Reads

In a move guaranteed to raise hackles and hopes in equal measure – with Tweed Heads being the proximate fulcrum for that impressively gymnastic manoeuvre – the infamous jetsetter Kurtley Beale is on his way to join the Wallabies in Europe.

The obvious question is why – there are no known injuries in the Wallaby backs.

It is probably best (or at least the most entertaining) to deal with the possibilities in order of increasing paranoia:

Defcon three
The possibility that one or more of the Wallaby backs is carrying a niggle, so Cheika is playing it safe.

This is an unsatisfyingly rational explanation, however it could be right. The counter-argument is that Cheika already has ample midfield stocks in the form of Cooper Cooper, Kyle Godwin, Christian Lealiifano and Matt Toomua.

Defcon two
The possibility that Cheika always intended to bring Beale over, and was biding his time.

This is entirely possible, and will enrage his (and Beale’s) detractors as it implies that Beale is Cheika’s his first-choice 12. That wouldn’t surprise either, since the combination worked well in Super Rugby, and the Bernard Foley/Beale/Israel Folau axis is devastating in attack.

It would certainly bode ill for Will Genia and Quade Cooper, who may not get a look in next year, especially as Cheika will be coaching the Tahs.


Defcon one
The possibility that Beale is being given special treatment by the ARU, and a lot of people seem to believe that to be the case.

The counter argument is that Bill Pulver and Michael Hawker both wanted Beale sacked. If Beale is being given special treatment, then it’s against Pulver and Hawker’s wishes. That would certainly drive the tinfoil hamster into overdrive!

I stress that these are all only possibilities.

There could be other, madder ones. Undoubtedly a few of them will surface over the coming days. There is no explanation of any event that is too mad to be posted on the internet.

Rationally, the most likely explanation is simply that Cheika, as the coach, got his way. He wanted a particular player and has him, and he doesn’t care much about the opinions of partisan fans: he only cares about results.

It seems likely that he’ll be getting his way a lot like that over the coming year.
