The Roar
The Roar


A-League active supporters to return to the stands this weekend

Western Sydney Wanderers fans. (AAP Image/Dean Lewins)
10th December, 2015
1131 Reads

Active supporters of A-League clubs have pledged to go back to doing “what we do best”, and will return to the stands this weekend.

After a two-week boycott of A-League matches following the leaking of a list of 198 people banned from attending fixtures, the FFA and active supporter groups held a meeting last night to work through their issues.

As a result, the league has agreed to issue banned fans with a notice of their intention to ban them, as well as give them access to evidence that will be used against them.

MORE: A-League agree to show fans evidence for bans

A separate appeals process will be instituted, with details to be worked on over the coming weeks.

The process will be independent of the FFA, according to a joint statement issued by the active fan groups.

The statement says that the boycott of the games is temporary, contingent on whether FFA meets the obligations it has agreed to (all the obligations are contained in the statement below).

“Obviously there’s some fine-tuning that needs to happen, but I’m pleased to say that representatives of all 10 clubs’ fan groups were there tonight and endorsed those changes,” FFA CEO David Gallop said.


What do you think of this move Roarers? Is this what’s best for the A-League?

The full statement from the fans
The Cove confirms that the proposed meeting between the FFA and representatives from each active supporter group took place last night.

The purpose of this meeting was to negotiate the implementation of a fair and equitable system which provides fans with;

a) Access to all evidence on which the FFA intends to rely on in any ban process; and
b) Access to an appeals process independent of the FFA

The Cove can confirm that as a result of that meeting, the FFA has agreed to implement satisfactory systems by no later than 19th February 2016, to coincide with the announcement of the Whole of Football Plan.

The minimum requirements of those systems have been agreed to, with the finer details to be finalised shortly. There has also been an unequivocal commitment by the FFA to defend football and its fans.

The FFA have also committed to providing active supporter groups with details of arrangements it has with third party security service providers.

It is on this basis, and provided of course, that the FFA formally implements these systems, that The Cove has agreed to temporarily suspend fan boycotts.

Make no mistake, in the event that the FFA fails in meeting these commitments by the 19th February 2016, The Cove will take all necessary steps to hold it accountable.

For now, we will return to the terrace this weekend and do what we do best. Support our team unconditionally.
