The Roar
The Roar


Wallabies grand slam chances? Cheika says it's in their dreams

31st October, 2016

The Wallabies have been urged to dream big by coach Michael Cheika as they chase a challenging grand slam quest in a bid to end a horror year on a high.

But the measured mentor stopped short of completely endorsing the bold claim from five-eighth Bernard Foley that the Wallabies can win their first grand slam since 1984.

Foley made the call in the wake of last week’s tough loss in the third Bledisloe Cup Test of the year, which consigned Cheika’s men to a cleansweep at the hands of the All Blacks in 2016 and their seventh loss of a difficult year.

But a successful European Tour would go a long way towards winning back an Australian public becoming increasingly jaded with the dipping results from the national team.

And becoming the first team since the Alan Jones-coached Wallabies to complete a grand slam – with victories over Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England on the same tour – would be a significant rainbow at the end of a dreary year.

“It is very important for players to have dreams and of achieving the bigger picture items,” Cheika said of Foley’s confident prediction.

“I really believe that’s important. If you don’t have those dreams inside you then what are you doing it for?”

But the positive outlook was also delivered with a harsh reality check – one which is highlighted by England’s status as the world No.2, Ireland’s well-polished outfit and Welsh and Scottish teams hell-bent on exacting revenge for World Cup campaigns cruelled by the Wallabies.


“The reality is that in a series like this and a tour like this then it is only the next day that counts,” Cheika said.

“That’s in the background and that will only come to fruition when we are excellent every day.

“A lot of our players who have not toured the northern hemisphere before will learn about what it is like over here as we get into each day, prepare, learn, grow as a team, which is something we have been doing this year through some hardship and some successes.

“Just take it a day at a time. If you look too far ahead you will get burnt.

“Deal with what we have got to do today, get something from it and go from there.”
