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Folau to fight Rugby Australia on sacking after meeting RUPA boss

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12th April, 2019
8341 Reads

Israel Folau is reportedly planning to take the fight to Rugby Australia regarding their decision last night to terminate his contract following another homophobic social media post from Folau earlier this week.

Folau met with Rugby Union Players Association boss Prataal Raj earlier this morning, and has also met with Rugby Australia officials including chief executive Raelene Castle today.

Folau is entitled to a code of conduct hearing before Rugby Australia can officially terminate his employment, and he reportedly has made the decision to pursue this process in the hopes his contract will be upheld.

He has reportedly had it made clear to him by Rugby Australia officials that the organisation fully intends to progress with their decision to terminate his contract.

Rugby Australia’s original statement made it clear that Folau would need to provide evidence of “compelling mitigating factors” if they are to the change their mind.

Their statement also said that Folau and his management both failed to respond to repeated attemtps to contact them in the day following his social media activity.

Folau’s Rugby Australia contract currently extends through until the end of the 2022 season and is worth around $1 million per season.

The NRL has already confirmed they will not allow any of their clubs to sign Folau, and he reportedly does not wish to pursue rugby opportunities overseas.


That could mean the end of Folau’s professional career if he is not successful in overturning Rugby Australia’s decision, although an opportunity with Andrew Forrest’s Global Rapid Rugby competition could be an outside chance.
