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Israel Folau links bushfire crisis and drought to same-sex marriage and abortion

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17th November, 2019
1727 Reads

Sacked Wallabies and Waratahs player Israel Folau’s latest sermon has gone viral, with the former code-hopper linking the current drought and bushfire crisis to Australia’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage and abortion.

Speaking at a church in Sydney, Folau warned during a ten-minute recording that the events which have left hundreds homeless and towns on the brink of running out of water in the next couple of months unless a major rain event occurs are a “taste of god’s judgement.”

The bushfire crisis in northern New South Wales, which has been called the worst the state has ever faced, has left six people dead, and Folau, in his sermon, said that, compared to what was coming if Australia didn’t repent, this “isn’t even a big thing.”

“I’ve been looking around at the events that’s been happening in Australia, this past couple of weeks, with all the natural disasters, the bushfires and the droughts,” he told the church.

“The events that have happened here in Australia, in the last couple of years – God’s word says for a man and a woman to be together … they’ve come and changed this law.

“Abortion, it’s OK now to murder, kill infants, unborn children. In the eyes of God it’s evil, in society today it’s good”.

“Look how rapid these bushfires these droughts, all these things have come in a short period of time. Do you think it’s a coincidence or not?

“God is speaking to you guys. Australia you need to repent and take these laws and turn it back to what is right.”


Folau’s speech went viral almost as soon as the video was posted on the church’s Facebook page, with the reaction one of anger and disbelief from the general public.

Both opposition leader Anthony Albanese and Nationals backbencher Barnaby Joyce have been among those to slam Folau for his comments, with Albanese labelling Folau “reprehensible.”

The former Wallabies star is currently suing Rugby Australia on the grounds of unfair dismissal after a judicial hearing found him guilty of a breach of contract earlier this year for an Instagram post claiming those in same-sex relationships, among others like drunks, thieves and atheists would go to hell.
